引用本文:潘永强,吴晓玲,袁长忠,徐鹏,徐闯. 稠油污水膜污染生物控制技术研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(5): 90-94.
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针对滨一站现有污水处理工艺存在的膜污染严重,稳定运行周期短的问题,在对污水水质和膜污染物分析基础上,确定了有机污染是造成膜污染的主要原因。针对稠油污水的特征污染物,采用限制性培养技术筛选了高效降解菌,初步鉴定为假单胞菌属和芽胞杆菌属。在现有工艺中增加生物处理单元,建立模拟流程,开展了长期运行实验。结果 表明,生物处理使石油类质量浓度和COD值分别从11~20 mg/L、216~350 mg/L 降至0.6~1.1 mg/L、53~88 mg/L 。生物处理有效降解了稠油污水中的有机污染物,延缓了膜污染,膜通量损失率低于15%,膜面的微观形态观察也显示膜污染得到有效抑制。 
关键词:  膜污染  稠油降解菌  生物处理  膜通量 
基金项目:中石化科技攻关项目“非常规油井压裂返排液处理回用技术研究”(P14011)。 
Biological treatment of heavy oil wastewater for inhibiting membrane fouling
Pan Yongqiang, Wu Xiaoling, Yuan Changzhong, Xu Peng, Xu Chuang
(Engineering and Technology Research Institute of Shengli Oilfield,Sinopec, Dongying 257000, China)
In order to mitigate the membrane fouling problem in the present heavy oil wastewater treatment process, wastewater quality and membrane foulants were analyzed to determine that organic fouling was the main fouling mechanism. According to the characteristics of the heavy oil wastewater pollutants, high efficient degrading bacteria were screened by the restrictive cultivate technology. The strain was identified to be pseudomonas and bacillus. Then biological treatment unit was added in the existing process and simulation process was established. The results of long-term running experiments showed that the oil content and COD could be decreased from 11-20 mg/L and 216-350 mg/L to 0.6-1.1 mg/L and 53-88 mg/L respectively. Therefore organic pollutants in the heavy oil wastewater were degraded effectively by biological treatment. Besides, the membrane flux loss was below 15%.The microscopic observation of membrane surface also showed that membrane fouling was inhibited effectively.
Key words:  membrane fouling  heavy oil degrading bacteria  biological treatment  membrane flux