引用本文:常启新. 涪陵页岩气钻井污水重复利用研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(5): 95-99, 106.
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涪陵页岩气田属于开发初期,开发井数多,皆为长水平井,其产生的大量钻井污水急需处理,而重复利用于压裂现场是最经济最环保的手段。室内通过分析涪陵页岩气田钻井污水性质、研究目前钻井污水重复利用存在的难题,针对性地研究了处理药剂、处理工艺、处理装备和重复利用方案。从钻井污水处理效果和现场重复利用情况看出,优选的水处理药剂满足现场污水处理要求,处理工艺及处理装备简便易行。处理后水质达到重复利用技术指标,与压裂液配伍性良好,能满足涪陵山区复杂地形重复利用工艺要求。 
关键词:  涪陵页岩气田  钻井污水  重复利用  工艺及装备 
基金项目:中国石化江汉油田科研项目“涪陵页岩气钻井污水重复利用技术研究”(CKO06)。 
Research on reusing the Fuling shale gas drilling wastewater
Chang Qixin
(Petroleum Engineering Technology Research Institute of Sinopec Jianghan Oilfield, Wuhan 430000, China)
Currently, Fuling shale gas field is in the early stages of development with a large number of development well, and most of which are long horizontal wells. Drilling these wells would generate enormous wastewater, and reusing them for fracturing is considered as the most economical and environmental way of disposing. In this paper, the characteristics of Fuling drilling wastewater was analyzed, as well as the technical barriers of reusing the drilling wastewater. Correspondingly, the treatment chemicals, technical process, processing equipment, and reusing program were developed. According to the effects of the treatment and further reuse, selected chemicals could satisfy the drilling wastewater treatment in the field. The technical process and processing equipment were simple and easily operated. Treated wastewater could meet the water quality requirements of reusing, show good compatibility with the fracturing fluid, is also adaptable to the complex terrain in Fuling mountainous area.
Key words:  Fuling shale gas field  drilling wastewater  reuse  technology and equipment