引用本文:李玉洋,耿赫,崔秀,刘迅,谢兴泽,李平. 天然气成分对硫化氢制氢反应影响的热力学分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(6): 32-37.
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采用热力学分析方法探究了天然气中存在的CH4、CO2成分对H2S制氢反应的影响。考虑了含有H2S的4种反应体系以及可能生成的6种主要产物,应用Aspen模拟软件,计算了体系压力为0.1 MPa、温度在400~1 000 ℃的等温等压吉布斯平衡反应器内的H2S转化率及H2收率,讨论了CH4、CO2的存在及其浓度的影响。结果 表明,CH4或CO2的加入,均可大幅提高H2S的转化率,且对提高温度和增加浓度都是有利的。CH4的存在还可显著增加H2收率,但CO2的作用则相反。当二者同时存在时,体系主要发生CH4-CO2重整反应,生成大量H2,并抑制H2S的转化。 
关键词:  硫化氢  制氢  甲烷  二氧化碳  热力学 
Thermodynamic analysis of effects of natural gas components on hydrogen production from hydrogen sulfide
Li Yuyang, Gen He, Cui Xiu, Liu Xun, Xie Xingze, Li Ping
(State Key Laboratory of Chemical Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China)
Effects of methane and carbon dioxide in natural gas on hydrogen production from hydrogen sulfide were investigated by thermodynamic analysis of four H2S-containing reaction systems. Six main products from the reactions among the three components were taken into consideration. The conversions of the feed and molar fractions of the products in the Gibbs reactor under isotonic and isothermal conditions were calculated by using Aspen Plus simulation software. The effects of the addition and concentration of CH4 or CO2 on the conversion of H2S and the H2 yield under 0.1 MPa and 400-1 000 ℃ were discussed. The addition of CH4 or CO2 could greatly enhance the conversion of H2S, especially at high temperature and high CH4 or CO2 concentration. The addition of CH4 could also be beneficial for the production of hydrogen while the addition of CO2 showed the opposite effect. The co-existence of CH4 and CO2 in the system could severely inhibit the conversion of H2S by the overwhelming reforming reaction between CH4 and CO2 although the production of hydrogen could be promoted significantly.
Key words:  hydrogen sulfide  hydrogen production  methane  carbon dioxide  thermodynamics