引用本文:程松民,聂绪芬,尹彬,金明皇,彭斌望,罗斐. 昆仑能源黄冈LNG工厂工艺及运行分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(6): 38-42.
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昆仑能源湖北黄冈500×104 m3/d LNG国产化示范工厂自投运以来受到行业内的广泛关注。该工厂技术自主化率100%,装备国产化率99%,同时也是国内目前天然气处理能力最大的工厂。该厂突破国外技术垄断,奠定了国内LNG产业国产化基础。详细分析了黄冈LNG工厂在脱碳、脱水脱汞、液化、BOG增压装置及储运等工艺流程方面的技术特点,总结了黄冈LNG工厂工艺技术的创新经验,并分析了工厂的运行情况。该研究对建设大型LNG工厂及运行具有借鉴作用。 
关键词:  液化天然气  工艺  多级单组分制冷  运行  分析 
Analysis of process and operation in Kunlun Energy Huanggang LNG Plant
Cheng Songmin, Nie Xufen, Yin Bin, Jin Minghuang, Peng Binwang, Luo Fei
(Kunlun Energy Hubei Huanggang LNG Co., Ltd, Huanggang 438000, China)
Kunlun Energy Hubei Huanggang LNG Plant with natural gas processing capacity of 5 000×103 m3/d has received widespread attention in the domestic industry since it was put into operation. This plant’s technological self research rate reaches 100% and equipment localization rate reaches 99%. What is more, the processing capacity is currently the largest in China. This plant breaks through the monopoly of foreign technology, laying the foundation of LNG industry in China. The LNG plant’s characteristics of decarbonization, dehydration, demercuration, liquefaction, BOG supercharging device, the LNG transporting and storing technology by process flow, and the technology innovation are summarized, and the operations are analyzed. It could be a reference for the construction and operation of large LNG plant.
Key words:  LNG  process  multi-stage single component refrigerant  operation  analysis