引用本文:黄亚杰,周明,张蒙,陈航,叶馨忆. 高温高盐油藏聚合物增强泡沫驱驱油性能评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(6): 70-74.
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1.中国石油化工集团江汉油田分公司工程技术研究院 ;2.“油气藏开发及地质国家重点实验室”·西南石油大学;3.西南石油大学材料科学与工程学院;4.北京科技大学材料科学与工程学院
针对适合高温(90 ℃)高盐(TDS=95 994 mg/L)油藏的聚合物增强泡沫驱油体系(0.2 %(w)PSDA+0.1%(w)Triton X-100+0.2%(w)KYPAM-II+地层水)开展其注入模式、气液比、剖面调整能力和现场试验评价。气和液同时注入就地发泡是最有效的注入模式,而气液交替注入效果最差,气液比明显影响驱油效率。在油藏条件下,优化气和液同时注入模式的气液体积比为3∶1。双岩心驱替实验结果表明,泡沫驱明显提高高渗层和低渗层的采收率,具有良好的调剖改善能力,聚合物增强泡沫驱可提高原油平均采收率15.3%。现场试验结果表明,两口井组采用泡沫驱原油采收率效果显著。 
关键词:  高温  高盐  泡沫驱  聚合物  注入模式  气液比  岩心驱替实验 
基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目“特高温高盐用TTSS系列表面活性剂的开发”(51074133)。 
Displacement oil performance evaluation of polymer enhanced foam flooding in high-temperature and high-salinity reservoirs
Huang Yajie1, Zhou Ming2,3, Zhang Meng3, Chen Hang3, Ye Xinyi4
(1. Engineering and Technology Research Institute, Jianghan Oilfield Company of China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation, Jianghan 433123, China;2. State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Chengdu 610500, China;3. College of Materials Science and Engineering, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu 610500, China;4. College of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China)
Aiming at the high temperature (90 ℃) and high salinity (TDS=95 994 mg/L) reservoirs, the injection mode, gas liquid ratio, profile control and field test of polymer enhanced foam flooding system (0.2 wt% PSDA+0.1 wt% TritonX-100+0.2 wt% KYPAM-II+ formation water) were evaluated in this paper. The co-injection of gas and solution for foaming-in-site is the most effective mode, but the alternative injection of gas and solution is the worst. The gas liquid ratio may greatly affect the flooding efficiency. The optimized gas liquid ratio is proposed as 3∶1 for co-injection mode at the reservoir condition. Results of dual cores flooding experiments indicate that the foam flooding can obviously increase oil recoveries of high and low permeability zones, the foam flooding has excellent profile control ability, polymer enhanced foam flooding can improve 15.3% average OOIP (original oil in place) recovery. The field test results show that the effect of enhance oil recovery rate by using foam flooding is significant in two wells group.
Key words:  high temperature  high salinity  foam flooding  polymer  injection mode  gas-liquid ratio  core displacement experiment