引用本文:张强,王清平,晁宏州,骆卫成,周芳,彭利果. 湿天然气交接计量准确度浅析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(6): 75-80.
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1.国家石油天然气大流量计量站成都分站;2.中国石油塔里木油田质量检测中心 ;3.中国石油塔里木油田油气运销部
干气计量系统用于湿天然气计量会因气质含液而产生计量偏差,分析了现有湿天然气交接计量系统的准确度影响因素。利用某气田湿天然气交接计量站天然气组分的分析数据,对水蒸气造成的压缩因子计算偏差进行了实例分析。通过理论分析和实验研究,评估分析了孔板流量计和超声流量计在低含液条件下的湿天然气测量特性。为油气田区块合作湿天然气交接计量及相关标准的制定提供技术参考。 
关键词:  湿天然气  计量  气体组分  孔板流量计  超声流量计 
A brief analysis of wet gas custody transfer measurement accuracy
Zhang Qiang1, Wang Qingping2, Chao Hongzhou3, Luo Weicheng2, Zhou Fang1, Peng Liguo1
(1. Chengdu Verification Branch of National Oil and Gas Large Flowrate Measurement Station, Chengdu 610213, China;2. Quality Inspection Center of Tarim Oilfield, Korla 841000, China;3.Gas and Oil Distribution Department of Tarim Oilfield, Korla 841000, China)
The presence of liquid in the gas flow will cause a metering bias to the dry gas measurement system when it is used in wet gas flow metering. This paper analyses the factors affecting the metering accuracy of gas metering system in wet gas flow. The calculation bias of natural gas compressibility factor induced by the water vapor is investigated applying gas composition of the wet gas flow in an actual gas field. The wet gas measurement performance of orifice plate and ultrasonic flow meter under low liquid loading condition are evaluated based on theoretical analysis and experimental study respectively. This provides technical reference for custody transfer in the cooperation of gas and oil field and the standard formulation of wet gas measurement.
Key words:  wet natural gas  metering  gas component  orifice plate flowmeter  ultrasonic flow meter