引用本文:邓凡锋,周鑫,李志昂,董了瑜,郑力,文方正. 液化石油气物性规律的研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2016, 45(6): 81-85.
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通过Peng-Robinson方程建立模型对LPG物性随温度、压力的变化规律进行求解,并通过配制丙烷和正戊烷的标准物质对所建模型的准确性进行验证。结果 表明,模型可以很好地与工程实践经验公式Antoine法吻合,模型可靠准确;LPG的饱和蒸气压随温度的升高呈现出几何倍数的增加趋势;温度升高使气相组分密度升高,液相组分密度降低;在同一温度条件下,LPG液相组成恒定时的饱和蒸气压相同;在规定的双组分标准物质体系中,得到丙烷和正戊烷液相组成的拟合方程Y1=-2.092 3E-5X+1.002 5,Y2=0.011 32e-X/2 256.62+0.010 89(Y为液相中的质量分数,X为压力)。 
关键词:  液化石油气  PR方程  温度  压力  标准物质  拟合方程 
Study on physical properties of liquefied petroleum gas
Deng Fanfeng, Zhou Xin, Li Zhiang, Dong Liaoyu, Zheng Liwen, Fang Zheng
(National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology,Chengdu 610021, China)
In this paper, the change law of LPG physical properties with temperature and pressure was solved by the Peng-Robinson equation. And the accuracy of the calculation model was verified by using the reference material of propane and n-pentane. The results showed that the model was reliable and accurate which could accord with engineering practice experience Antoine formula. Saturated vapor pressure of LPG increased geometric linearly as temperature went up. Liquid phase density decreased and gas phase density went up with temperature increasing. Saturated vapor pressure of LPG with constant liquid phase composition was equal at the same temperature. In the prescribed two-component standard material system, propane and n-pentane fitting equations were obtained:Y1=-2.092 3E-5X+1.002 5,Y2= 0.011 32e-X/2 256.62+0.010 89(Y represented the mass fraction in the liquid phase, Xrepresented pressure).
Key words:  liquefied petroleum gas  Peng-Robinson equation  temperature  pressure  reference material  fitting equation