引用本文:李林,柴可明. RSS-2催化剂在航煤加氢装置上的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(1): 12-16.
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介绍了RSS-2催化剂在中国石油兰州石化公司航煤加氢装置上的应用情况,结果表明,以常减压装置常一线直馏煤油为原料,在进料量71.4 t/h、反应器入口温度278.5 ℃、入口压力3.72 MPa、空速3.72 h-1、氢油比181的工艺操作条件下,经加氢反应、分馏、脱除硫化氢后,精制航煤中硫质量分数由138 μg/g降至3 μg/g,脱硫率达到97.83%,碱性氮质量分数由2.71 μg/g降至0.12 μg/g,脱碱氮率达到95.57%,产品质量满足3号喷气燃料的质量标准;为满足低凝柴油的生产要求,在常一线直馏煤油中掺炼常二线,在常二线占混合原料质量分数从25%增加到50%时,混合原料中硫质量分数可降至20 μg/g以下,满足国Ⅳ低凝柴油的调和要求,说明该催化剂具有良好的加氢脱硫、脱碱氮效果。 
关键词:  航煤加氢  脱硫  脱氮  催化剂  RSS-2 
Application of RSS-2 catalyst in aviation kerosene hydrotreating unit
Li Lin1, Chai Keming2
1. Oil Refinery of PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Company, Lanzhou, Gansu, China ;2. Sinopec Ningbo Engineering Co., Ltd, Lanzhou Branch, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
The application of RSS-2 catalyst in aviation kerosene hydrotreating unit in refinery of PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Company was introduced. The results showed that the sulfur mass fraction of refined aviation kerosene was reduced from 138 μg/g to 3 μg/g and the desulfurization rate reached 97.83%, the basic nitrogen mass fraction of refined aviation kerosene was reduced from 2.71 μg/g to 0.12 μg/g and the basic nitrogen removal efficiency was 95.57% at the process operation condition of feed rate 71.4 t/h, reactor inlet temperature 278.5 ℃, reaction pressure 3.72 MPa, volume space velocity 3.72 h-1,and hydrogen-oil ratio 181. Using straight run kerosene as raw material, refined aviation kerosene met the quality specification of No. 3 jet fuel. In order to meet the production requirement of low freezing point diesel, atmospheric cut 2 diesel was blended with straight run kerosene. When the blending ratio was increased from 25% to 50%, the sulfur mass fraction in mixed feed was reduced to below 20 μg/g, which could meet the blending requirement of low freezing point diesel specified by the national standard IV. The results showed that the RSS-2 catalyst has good hydrodesulfurization and hydrodenitrogenation effect.
Key words:  aviation kerosene hydrotreating  desulfurization  denitrogenation  catalyst  RSS-2