引用本文:宋君辉,韩龙年,杨琅,马莉莉,陈清涛. 环烷基减压蜡油生产环保橡胶油的加氢工艺研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(1): 17-21, 33.
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在加氢中试试验装置上,以环烷基减压蜡油为原料,考察了反应温度、氢分压等工艺条件对环保橡胶油CA值、8种多环芳烃(PAHs)等性能的影响。结果 表明,在氢分压为10~15 MPa,体积空速为基准~基准+0.5 h-1,反应温度为t~t+60 ℃时,加氢工艺适宜生产CA值>12%、苯并(a)芘等8种PAHs质量浓度满足欧盟环保要求的橡胶油。氢分压越高,体积空速越小,加氢工艺生产环保橡胶油的操作空间(反应温度区间)越宽,且偏向低温区间,环保橡胶油的收率越大。 
关键词:  环烷基  减压蜡油  加氢工艺  环保橡胶油 
Hydrofining process research on producing green rubber oil by naphthenic vacuum gas oil
Song Junhui, Han Longnian, Yang Lang, Ma Lili, Chen Qingtao
CNOOC Research Institute of Oil and Petrochemicals, Beijing, China
In this article, effects of reaction temperature, hydrogen partial pressure and other process conditions on CA value, 8 kinds of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), etc. of green rubber oil were studied in a pilot trickle-bed reactor by naphthenic vacuum gas oil. The results showed that under the condition of hydrogen partial pressure 10-15 MPa, volumetric space velocity between reference to reference + 0.5 h-1, and reaction temperature between t to t + 60 ℃, it was appropriate for hydrofining process to produce green rubber oil, in which the CA value was over 12% and mass concentration of benzo(a)pyrene and other PAHs met the EU environmental requirements. There would be a wider operating space (reaction temperature range) for production of green rubber oil by hydrofining process at a higher hydrogen partial pressure, lower volumetric space velocity. What’s more, the operating temperature range led to lower temperature area, so there would be a higher yield of green rubber oil.
Key words:  naphthenic base  vacuum gas oil (VGO)  hydrofining process  green rubber oil