引用本文:李建伟,白峰,薛慧,陈冲. 水煤浆与天然气共气化热力学模拟[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(1): 38-42, 56.
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为了降低生产成本,减少CO2排放,实现n(H2)/n(CO)可调,将水煤浆与天然气进行联合转化。从热力学角度对共气化过程各反应的竞争能力进行了分析。利用Aspen Plus软件对该过程进行了模拟,分析了氧气进料流量、天然气进料流量对气化炉出口温度、气体摩尔组成、合成气摩尔分数、n(H2)/n(CO)的影响。计算了多种不同进料流量下的出口参数,通过对这些数据进行筛选,得到气化室出口温度在1 340~1 360 ℃之间,n(H2)/n(CO)大于1.15,合成气摩尔分数大于0.72时的天然气和氧气的进料流量。 
关键词:  水煤浆与天然气共气化  热力学模拟  Aspen Plus 
Thermodynamic simulation of co-gasification of coal water slurry and natural gas
Li Jianwei, Bai Feng, Xue Hui, Chen Chong
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xi’an University of Science and Technology, Xi’an, Shannxi, China
In order to reduce the production cost and the emission of CO2, the n(H2)/n(CO) ratio can be adjusted by combining the coal water slurry with the natural gas. The competitive ability of each reaction in the co-gasification process was analyzed from the point of view of thermodynamics. The process was simulated by Aspen Plus software, and the effect of oxygen inlet flow rate and natural gas inlet flow rate on the outlet temperature, mole composition of gas, mole fraction of syngas and H2/CO were analyzed. The export parameters under the different inlet flow rates were calculated. Through screening these data, natural gas and oxygen inlet flow rates were obtained while the gasification chamber outlet temperature was 1 340-1 360 ℃, the ratio of n(H2)/n(CO) was more than 1.15, and synthetic gas mole fraction was greater than 0.72.
Key words:  co-gasification of coal water slurry and natural gas  thermodynamic simulation  Aspen Plus