引用本文:李秋英,陈杰,尹全森. 大型LNG换热器结构设计及换热性能模拟[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(1): 34-37.
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板翅式换热器目前广泛应用于中小型天然气液化工厂,当其应用于大型天然气液化领域时,由于需要多个冷箱及板翅式换热器并联进行作业,由此带来的流体均布问题较难解决,进而导致换热性能显著下降,这一因素制约了板翅式换热器的大型化应用进程。对现有板翅式换热器结构进行了优化设计,开发出一种新型板翅式换热器换热结构,并对其换热性能进行模拟计算,结果表明,新型板翅式换热器在天然气处理规模较大时,具有较好的换热性能,该研究结果可为大型板翅式换热器结构设计提供参考。 
关键词:  板翅式换热器  大型天然气液化  均布性能  换热性能 
Structure design and heat transfer performance simulation for heat exchanger in large scale LNG plant
Li Qiuying, Chen Jie, Yin Quansen
CNOOC Gas and Power Group, Beijing, China
Plate fin heat exchanger has been widely used in medium and small sized LNG plant. However, in large scale LNG plant, the fluid uniform problems are difficult to be resolved for the plate fin heat exchanger because multiples of cold boxes are uesd and plat pin heat exchangers are connected in parallel which results in significant degradation of heat transfer performance. The fluid uniform problems are the key restriction factors of application process for plate fin heat exchanger in large scale LNG plant. In this paper, a new type of heat transfer structure is developed by means of optimization design for existing plate fin heat exchanger. The heat performance is simulated and the results reveal that the new type heat exchangers maintain good heat performance with the natural gas treated in large scale. The study results can provide a reference for the structure design in large scale LNG plant.
Key words:  plate fin heat exchanger  large scale natural gas liquefaction  uniform performance  heat transfer performance