引用本文:付丽霞,付亚荣,马永忠,窦勤光,高博翔,付森. 聚驱原油采出液脱水低温破乳剂的开发与实践[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(1): 67-69, 75.
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针对聚合物驱后油井采出液中含有的聚合物导致联合站脱水和污水处理困难的问题,分析了国内各油田聚驱采出液脱水破乳剂的现状,依据原油乳状液凝胶的结构裂降和结构恢复行为对其触变性影响的原理,采用多乙烯多胺、松香胺、有机醛、胺、苯酚等的反应物为起始剂的聚醚类破乳剂按一定比例复配后,再引入微量的烷基酰胺丙基甜菜碱、氯化亚铁、维生素C、氟碳表面活性剂 FN-3,得到聚驱原油采出液脱水低温破乳剂,利用电中和机理,实现了聚驱原油采出液低温破乳脱水。现场药剂质量浓度在50~70 mg/L、脱水温度40~43 ℃的条件下,原油脱水后含水率小于 0.2%,污水含油质量浓度小于 50 mg/L。 
关键词:  聚驱  原油采出液  低温破乳剂  脱水 
Development and application of low temperature demulsifying agent for dehydration of crude oil produced liquid by polymer flooding
Fu Lixia1, Fu Yarong1, Ma Yongzhong1, Dou Qinguang1, Gao Boxiang2, Fu Sen2
1. Huabei Oilfield Company, CNPC, Renqiu, Hebei, China ;2. Beijing Branch of Engineering Design Co., Ltd., CNPC, Beijing, China
When the oil well is produced by polymer flooding, it contains polymer, which lead to difficulties in crude oil dehydration and sewage disposal. Present situation of dehydration and emulsion breaking of polymer flooding produced liquid was analyzed,then based on the effect of structural cracking and structural recovery behavior of crude oil emulsion gels on its thixotropy, polyether type emulsion breaking agent produced by using the reaction product of poly ethylene polyamine, rosin amine, organic aldehyde, amine, phenol as initiator, was formulated according to a certain proportion,then by introducing micro alkyl amide betaine,ferrous chloride, vitamin C, fluorocarbon surfactant FN-3,the low temperature demulsifying agent for dehydration of polymer flooding crude oil produced liquid was finally obtained. By using the electric neutralization mechanism,the low temperature demulsifying and dehydration were implemented for crude oil produced liquid by polymer flooding. In the field , the dosage was 50-70 mg/L, dehydration temperature was 40-43 ℃,the water content of crude oil was less than 0.2% after dehydration and the oil content of sewage was less than 50 mg/L.
Key words:  polymer flooding  crude oil production  low temperature demulsifying agent  dehydration