引用本文:严思明,杨珅,李省吾,吴亚楠,王永吉,唐豹. 新型抗温硫酸盐垢阻垢剂合成与性能评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(1): 70-75.
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以马来酸酐(MA)、对苯乙烯磺酸钠(SSS)和一种长链疏水单体SH16为原料,过硫酸铵为引发剂,合成了一种新型阻垢剂MSH。利用红外光谱、核磁共振表征了阻垢剂MSH的结构,评价了MSH阻硫酸钡垢的阻垢性能。结果 表明,马来酸酐(MA)、对苯乙烯磺酸钠(SSS)和长链疏水单体(SH16)有效地聚合到阻垢剂MSH中;当组成硫酸钡垢体系的钡离子质量浓度为370 mg/L时,质量浓度为50 mg/L的MSH能取得91.3%的阻垢率。对阻垢剂MSH的作用机理进行研究:长链疏水单体SH16有效地提高了阻垢率;电导率实验表明,能延长硫酸钡晶体的诱导期,降低晶核形成速度;扫描电镜实验表明,MSH扰乱了晶体的正常排序,使得晶体结晶度下降、晶粒变小,从而达到阻垢的目的。 
关键词:  阻垢剂MSH  阻垢性能  硫酸钡垢  疏水单体  作用机理 
Synthesis and performance evaluation of a novel temperature-resistant inhibitor for sulfate scale
Yan Siming1, Yang Shen1, Li Xingwu1, Wu Yanan1, Wang Yongji1, Tang Bao2
1. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China ;2. Qinghai Drilling Company, CNPC Xibu Drilling Engineering Company Limited, Haixi, Qinghai, China
Maleic anhydride(MA), styrene sodium sulfonate(SSS) and a hydrophobic monomer SH16 were used as materials, ammonium persulfate was used as initiator, then a novel inhibitor MSH was synthesized in this study. The structure of MSH was characterized by infrared spectrum and nuclear magnetic resonance, so as to evaluate the inhibition ability of MSH. The results showed that MA, SSS and hydrophobic monomer SH16 were effectively polymerized to the inhibitor MSH. When the Ba2+ concentration of the barium sulfate scale system was 370 mg/L, the scale inhibition efficiency was 91.3% of 50 mg/L MSH. Then the action mechanism of MSH was studied and the results showed that hydrophobic monomer SH16 improved the scale inhibition rate of MSH effectively. The results of the conductivity test showed that MSH could effectively extend the induction period of barium sulfate crystals and reduce the nucleation speed. The results of SEM showed that MSH could disrupt the normal sort of crystal lattice, making the crystal not to grow in accordance with the original order. In this way, the purpose of scale inhibition could be achieved.
Key words:  inhibitor MSH  scale inhibition performance  barium sulfate scale  hydrophobic monomer  mechanism