引用本文:秦冰,李财富,李本高. 胜利油田稠油用微乳液型驱油剂研制[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(2): 68-74.
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采用三元相图研究了助表面活性剂种类、温度、盐含量和水油比对微乳液型驱油剂制备的影响。结果 表明:在一定的范围内,助表面活性剂链长增加可以得到更大面积的微乳液区域;制备温度和NaCl质量分数的提高,均可降低制备微乳液所需最低助表面活性剂质量分数(wmin),助表面活性剂的分子结构也带来wmin的显著变化;通过调控助表面活性剂用量,在水油比(8∶2)~(5∶5)范围均可得到微乳液。采用黏度实验和驱油实验评价了微乳液型驱油剂的性能,结果表明,微乳液质量分数1%时,对单家寺稠油和孤岛稠油的降黏率达到90%以上,降黏效果较好;加入质量分数为2%的微乳液驱油剂可提高稠油热采采收率10%以上。 
关键词:  微乳液  稠油  驱油剂  相图 
Preparation of micro-emulsion used as heavy oil displacement agent in Shengli Oilfield
Qin Bing, Li Caifu, Li Bengao
SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing, Beijing, China
The effects of promoter, temperature, salt content and water-oil radio on micro-emulsion used as heavy oil displacement agent was studied with ternary phase diagram. The results showed that the area of micro-emulsion was increased with the increase of chain length of promoter; the wmin(promoter mass fraction) decreased with the increase of temperature and the concentration of NaCl; the molecular structure of the promoter had significant influence on wmin; micro-emulsion which was obtained with the water/oil ratio from 8/2 to 5/5. The properties of micro-emulsion were studied by viscosity and displacement experiments. The results showed that for Shanjiasi and Gudao heavy oil, the viscosity reduction rate of heavy oil was above 90% when the concentration of micro-emulsion was 1%; heavy oil thermal recovery was enhanced above 10% when the concentration of micro-emulsion was 2%.
Key words:  micro-emulsion  heavy oil  displacement agent  phase diagram