引用本文:黄风林,王迪,李荣春. 石油产品酸含量测定标准的有效性研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(2): 89-93.
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针对不同馏分石油酸的组成分布,利用基团贡献法对石油酸和酸含量测定标准中醇类、芳香类溶剂的溶解度参数等进行估算,混合溶剂与溶质具有相似的溶解度参数构成是改善测定有效性的基础。应用溶解度参数理论分析了溶质、溶剂、滴定剂间相互关系及对测定结果的影响,在满足国家标准使用基础上,明确了汽油、柴油、润滑油、原油的酸含量测定方法分别采用GB/T 258-2016、GB/T 4945-2002、GB/T 7304-2000、GB/T 18609-2011,溶剂与溶质良好互溶,终点确定迅速、准确,酸含量测定更加科学、有效。 
关键词:  酸含量  标准  溶解度参数  非水滴定 
Study on the validity of the standard for determination of acid content in petroleum products
Huang Fenglin, Wang Di, Li Rongchun
Research Center of Refining and Chemical Technology of Xi’an Shiyou University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
Regarding to petroleum acids distribution in different fraction oils, solubility parameters of petroleum acids and solvents (alcohols, aromatics) in acid content determining standard were estimated by using the group contribution method, and mixed solvents and solutes with similar solubility parameters are the basis for improving the validity of determination. Solubility parameters theory was applied to analyze the relationship between solutes and solvents and the effect on the determination results, GB/T 258-2016, GB/T 4945-2002, GB/T 7304-2000, GB/T 18609-2011 were respectively demonstrated to determine the acid content of gasoline, diesel oil, lubricating oil and crude oil on the basis of meeting the national standards. The solvents and solutes were mutually soluble, and the end point was determined rapidly and accurately, so that determination of acid content was more scientific and effective.
Key words:  acid content  standard  solubility parameter  non-aqueous titration