引用本文:刘志鹏,孟江,安坤. 新型非插入式流量测量原理的研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(2): 94-98.
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关键词:  非插入式测量  质量流量  应变差  流固耦合 
Study on the principle of the new type of non-inserted flow measurement
Liu Zhipeng1, Meng Jiang1,An Kun2
1. School of Mechanical and Power Engineering of North University of China, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China ;2. School of Computer and Control Engineering of North University of China, Taiyuan, shanxi, China
Non-inserted flow detection is so significant for the fault location of flow measurement and fault diagnosis of chemical pipeline system without destroying the system working condition. The non-inserted measurement uses the deformation principle and strain measurement under gravity field of pipeline fluid, and deduces the linear relationship between the differential strain and mass flow basing on the material mechanics. And then ANSYS Workbench is adopted to establish the fluid-solid coupling model and simulate the linearity of differential strain and mass flow. Finally, the strain gauges arranged in the pipeline experiment platform are connected into the static strain meter of uT7110Y. The experimental results show a good linear relationship between the differential strain and the mass flow is existed, which can provide a new way to measure flow non-inserted.
Key words:  non-inserted measurement  mass flow  strain difference  fluid-solid coupling