引用本文:朱玉琴,许锋,张海瑞. 导热胶泥伴热传热特性及节能潜力研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(2): 117-120.
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导热胶泥伴热是对传统伴热的一种优化,通过在伴热管与工艺管之间填充导热胶泥,把原来的线接触改变为面接触,一方面增大伴热面积,另一方面用高导热系数的导热胶泥代替低导热系数的空气,从而增大传热效率。利用FLUENT软件对导热胶泥蒸汽伴热系统的传热特性和节能潜力进行了数值模拟分析。结果 表明,在伴热蒸汽温度相同时,导热胶泥伴热系统较传统伴热管伴热系统能提高工艺介质温度20~45 ℃左右,节能潜力较为显著。该研究结果为伴热过程的优化及工程应用提供了理论依据。 
关键词:  导热胶泥  传热  节能潜力  FLUENT软件 
Investigation on heat transfer characteristics and energy-saving potential of thermal tracing with thermal cement
Zhu Yuqin, Xu Feng, Zhang Hairui
Xi’an Shiyou University,Xi’an, Shaanxi, China
By filling with thermally conductive cement between the heat pipe and the process pipe, line contact was altered to surface contact, which thus increased the heating area, as well as the heat transfer efficiency by replacing the air with low thermal conductivity with a high thermal conductive cement. In this manner, the thermal cement heat tracing was an optimization for the traditional one. Heat transfer characteristics and energy-saving potential of thermal clay steam heating system was simulated with FLUENT software in this paper. The results of simulation showed that at the same heating steam temperature, the process temperature was about 20~45 ℃ higher with thermal clay heating system than the traditional one, demonstrating significant energy-saving potential. The similation results would provide a theoretical basis for optimization and engineering applications of thermal processes.
Key words:  thermal cement  heat transfer  energy-saving potential  FLUENT software