引用本文:张利明,图孟格勒,肖克,熊伟. 高温高压气田处理厂堵塞物实验分析及对策[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(3): 13-16.
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在试投产过程中,我国西部某高温高压气田天然气处理厂低温分离器形成大量固体堵塞物,造成处理装置卡堵。通过化验分析发现,固相沉积物质组分主要为C12~C14;当装置运行压力为6.85 MPa、温度降至-9.5 ℃时,直接在气相中析出固体结晶,堵塞低温分离器。现场试验结果表明,适当提高低温分离器操作温度,可在一定程度上减少固相沉积物的形成,但仍不能完全解决固相沉积物的堵塞问题。结合注入轻烃的方法,可有效清除固相沉积。 
关键词:  固相沉积  全组分  集气  低温分离 
Experimental analysis and countermeasures of blockage in the processing plant of high temperature and high pressure natural gas field
Zhang Liming, Tumeng Gele, Xiao Ke, Xiong Wei
Quality Inspection Center of PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company, Korla, Xinjiang, China
During the process of trial operation, a large number of solid blockages were formed in the low temperature separator of the natural gas processing plant of a high temperature and high pressure gas field in West China, which caused the blocking of the processing device. Based on the analysis, it was concluded that the major components of solid phase deposition materials were C12-C14. When the operating pressure of the device was 6.85 MPa, the temperature of the device was reduced to -9.5 ℃, the solid crystal was directly precipitated in the gas phase, and the low temperature separator was blocked. The results of field test showed that the temperature of the low temperature separator could be increased appropriately to reduce the formation of solid phase deposition materials to a certain extent, but still couldn’t solve the blockage problem of solid phase deposition completely. Combined with the injection of light hydrocarbons, the solid phase deposition could be effectively removed.
Key words:  solid phase deposition  total component  gas collecting  low temperature separation