引用本文:刘建山,李荣,李正强. 常压分馏过程模拟及优化提高轻重馏分分割精度[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(3): 17-21.
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以轻质原油为原料,采用PRO/II工艺流程模拟软件,分别考察常压分馏塔清洗段理论级数、汽提段理论级数及过汽化率对常压轻重馏分分割的影响,确定合适的常压塔设计条件。结果 表明,中石油克拉玛依石化公司Ⅱ套常减压蒸馏装置常压分馏塔设计的适宜条件为:清洗段3个理论级数、汽提段3个理论级数、常压塔进料温度360 ℃。经技术改造后,360 ℃前馏分油收率由40%(w)提高至44.81%(w),改造效果较为理想。 
关键词:  分馏  流程模拟  优化  改造  规整填料  常压蒸馏装置 
Process simulation and optimization of atmospheric distillation to improve the separation accuracy of light and heavy fractions
Liu Jianshan, Li Rong, Li Zhengqiang
PetroChina Karamay Petrochemical Co. Ltd., Karamay, Xinjiang, China
Using the light crude oil as material, the effect of theoretical stages of atmospheric column cleaning and steam stripping sectors and over-flash ratio on the separation of atmospheric light and heavy fractions were discussed respectively with PRO/II process flow simulation software. The suitable design conditions were determined. The results indicated that the optimal design conditions of the 2nd atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit atmospheric column in the PetroChina Karamay Petrochemical Co., Ltd. are the numbers of the cleaning section theoretic stages for 3, the numbers of the steam stripping section for 3 and the atmospheric column feed temperature for 360 ℃. After revamping, the atmospheric pull rate was significantly increased from 40 wt % to 44.81 wt %. The transformation effect was satisfactory.
Key words:  distillation  process simulation  optimization  revamp  structured packing  atmospheric distillation unit