引用本文:颜筱函,李柏成. 基于粒子群算法的天然气三甘醇脱水工艺参数优化研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(3): 22-26.
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目前,很多研究学者针对三甘醇(TEG)脱水流程的工艺参数做了大量优化改进。然而通常采用的软件模拟手段或基于现场试验的方法难以高效、准确地达到预想的优化效果,且由于人为因素的干扰易导致能源浪费。基于此,提出了将粒子群优化(PSO)算法与HYSYS模拟软件相结合的优化方法,通过Matlab软件与HYSYS软件的交互,利用PSO算法自动更新优化决策变量,使之不断向最优值靠拢,达到最理想的优化目标。该方法不仅提高了优化效率,同时避免了人为因素的影响,增强了系统的可靠性。最后,将其应用于具体的算例中,以脱水能耗最小为目标函数,以TEG循环量和再生塔温度为决策变量。以HYSYS为运算内核,利用PSO优化得出能耗最小的工艺参数。结果 表明,优化后的TEG循环量降低了0.2 m3/h,重沸器温度降低了6 ℃,系统总能耗每天降低了93.8 kW。该优化方法的采用对现场的工艺操作和参数设定提供了指导,对油气田经济效益的提高具有重要意义。 
关键词:  三甘醇脱水  优化改进  粒子群算法  HYSYS模拟 
Optimization on process parameters of TEG dehydration based on PSO algorithm
Yan Xiaohan1, Li Bocheng2
1. China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China;2. Trans-Asia Gas Pipeline Company Limited, Beijing, China
At present, many researchers have developed a lot of optimization improvement on TEG dehydration process. However, it is difficult for common software simulation or experimental method conducted in the field to achieve the expected improvement efficiently and accurately. Moreover, unnecessary energy waste was resulted from human factors. Based on above problems, an optimization method combining Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm and HYSYS simulation software was put forward. Through the connection between Matlab and HYSYS, PSO could be applied to automatically updating optimal variables which were getting close to the optimal value, in order to obtain the final optimization objective. The proposed method not only enhanced optimization efficiency but also strengthened the system reliability by avoiding the influence of human factors. In the end, the method was used in a case study which aimed to minimize energy consumption of dehydration, and the TEG circulation volume and regeneration tower temperature were decided as decision variables. Taking the HYSYS as the calculation core, PSO was utilized to work out the process parameters with minimum energy consumption. The results showed that TEG circulation volume and reboiler temperature decreased by 0.2 m3/h and 6 ℃ respectively. And the total energy consumption of the system was reduced by 93.8 kW. The optimization method could offer instructions for process operating and parameters setting, which played a significance role in the economic benefits improvement for the oil and gas fields.
Key words:  TEG dehydration  optimization improvement  particle swarm optimization  HYSYS simulation