引用本文:陈俊文,余洋,边云燕,祝疆,杜荟敏. 集输站场放空管道低温工况探讨[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(3): 104-109.
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1.中国石油工程建设有限公司西南分公司 ;2.中国石油西南油气田公司输气管理处
油气集输站场放空系统是站内设施的重要安全保障。在事故情况下,站内高压气体必须快速泄放。放空管道材质主要参考放空过程中管道的温度进行确定。为保证选材合理性与经济性,有必要深入探讨放空工况下介质和管壁低温工况。基于超压放空和紧急放空过程,结合工程热力学基本规律,分析了放空过程管道温度的影响因素,借助商用软件OLGA探讨并模拟了某集气站放空管道的温度变化规律。结果 表明,超压放空后管道温度与介质温度较为接近,但紧急放空后管道温度与介质温度存在明显差异;紧急放空工况中,管道积存气体、管道热容等对管道低温具有一定抑制作用;动态模拟为放空管道合理选材与降低成本提供了技术支持。研究成果为集输站场放空管道精细化设计提供了一定的参考与借鉴。 
关键词:  集输站场  压力泄放  放空管道  低温 
Discussion on the operation condition at low temperatures of vent line in gathering station
Chen Junwen1, Yu Yang1, Bian Yunyan1, Zhu Jiang1, Du Huimin2
1. China Petroleum Engineering & Construction Corporation, Southwest Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Gas Transmission Management Department, PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
The pressure relief system is the key safety guarantee for oil-gas station. Under accident conditions, the high pressure medium must be quickly relieved. The material of vent line is mainly determined by the pipeline temperature during relief. It is necessary to discuss the low temperature condition of the vent medium and vent line, to ensure the rationality and economy of the material selection. In this paper, based on the over-pressure relief and emergency relief process, the influence on the vent line temperature during relief was analyzed in combination with the basic law of engineering thermodynamics, and the low temperature rule of vent line was discussed and simulated with OLGA software. The results showed that the vent line temperature would be close to the relief medium temperature during over-pressure relief, but there would be significant temperature difference under emergency relief. The storage gas and vent line thermal capacity may have an inhibitory effect on the low temperature under emergency relief, and the dynamic simulation can provide technical support on the rational material selection and cost reduction of vent line. The study result will provide reference for fine design of vent line in the gathering station.
Key words:  gathering station  pressure relief  vent line  low temperature