引用本文:邢凌燕,邢承治,胡兆吉. 煤制气质量标准研究进展[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(4): 82-86.
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1.北京能源集团有限责任公司;2.中海油鄂尔多斯能源化工有限责任公司 ;3.南昌大学资源环境与化工学院
煤制气行业的发展推动了煤制气质量标准的研究进展,GB/T 33445-2016《煤制合成天然气》的批准发布对于煤制气规范化发展将起到重要的引领支撑作用,使其在管输、混输、推广应用中有规可循、有法可依。基于煤制气合成工艺特性,参考天然气相关实施标准,重点介绍了煤制气甲烷含量、高位发热量、伴随组分及水露点等重要技术指标,并对GB/T 33445-2016技术指标进行了逐一分析。指出煤制气在互换性、并网输送及加工利用等方面与常规天然气具有良好的匹配性,为一种优质清洁替代燃气。 
关键词:  煤制气  质量标准  技术指标  组分  互换性 
Research development of coal-based synthetic natural gas quality standard
Xing Lingyan1, Xing Chengzhi2, Hu Zhaoji3
1. Beijing Energy Group Co.,Ltd., Beijing, China;2. CNOOC Erdos Energy Chemical Co., Ltd., Erdos, Inner Mongolia, China;3.School of Resources Environmental & Chemical Engineering, Nanchang University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China
The coal-based-SNG industry development promotes the research of coal-based-SNG quality standard, The approval and release for GB/T 33445-2016 Coal-based Synthetic Natural Gas will be a leading support for normalizing development of coal-based-SNG,and make it code-compliant. Based on coal-based-SNG process features, referencing relative natural gas standard in effect, the methane content, superior caloric value, adjoint components and water dew point were presented, and technical indexes for GB/T 33445-2016 were analyzed specifically. Compared with conventional natural gas, there is good compatibility for coal-based-SNG in interchangeability, interconnection transmission, and processing and utilization with conventional gas, which is a high quality and clean substitute fuel gas.
Key words:  coal-based-SNG  quality standard  technical index  composition  interchangeability