引用本文:杨远,唐文洁,齐安彬,孙贵杰,朱华,马玉华. 大型LNG工厂能耗分析及节能措施[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(4): 103-108, 114.
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1.长江大学地球科学学院油气资源与勘探技术教育部重点实验室 ;2. 新疆油田公司石西油田作业区
为了研究大型LNG工厂能耗组成,系统分析能耗情况并提出合理节能措施。结合GB/T 50441-2016《石油化工设计能耗计算标准》,运用某大型LNG工厂性能考核期间连续运转数据进行核算,再利用层次分析法科学分析,最后提出节能降耗措施。研究表明,某大型工厂的主要用能为电能,在相同处理规模下降低工厂的用电量是节能的关键。单位能耗随日处理量的增大而减小,工厂在高负荷运行下较优,满载生产情况下最为节能。因此,协调充足的原料气气源,保持销售渠道畅通,进行高负荷生产有利于降低单位产品的运行成本。
关键词:  能耗分析  节能措施  单位能耗  负荷  LNG工厂 
Energy consumption analysis and energy saving measures of large LNG plant
Yang Yuan1,Tang Wenjie2,Ji Anbin2,Sun Guijie2,Zhu Hua2, Ma Yuhua2
1. Key Laboratory of Exploration Technologies for Oil and Gas Resources (Yangtze University), Wuhan, Hubei, China;2. Xinjiang Oilfield Company Shixi Oilfield Operation Areas, Xinjiang, China
In order to study the energy consumption of large LNG plant, systematic analysis on the energy consumption situation were conducted and reasonable energy saving measures were proposed. Combined with GB/T 50441-2007 Energy Consumption Calculation Standard for Design of Petrochemical Industry, This paper conducted accounting on data from continuous operation of a large LNG plant, followed by scientific analysis with analytic hierarchy process (AHP), which finally led to energy-saving measures. The study results showed that electricity was the main energy source for the factory and reducing electricity consumption was the key measure for energy saving in the same processing scale. Unit energy consumption would decrease with the increasing of the daily processing load. Thus, energy saving was satisfactory at high processing load, and exhibited best at full capacity. Therefore, obtaining sufficient natural gas supply, maintaining smooth sales channels, achieving high load production could keep the operation cost of unit product at relatively low level.
Key words:  energy consumption analysis  energy saving measure  unit energy consumption  load  LNG plant