引用本文:董永平,刘燕,王领,颜欢,褚雅志. 分流式降液管的筛孔塔板流体力学性能研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(5): 47-50.
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将分流器设置在降液管上,采用筛孔塔板,以空气-水为介质进行冷模实验,对其流体力学性能进行了系统的研究,并在相同的实验条件下与无分流式降液管筛孔塔板进行对比。结果 表明,分流式降液管筛孔塔板总板压降平均降低了14.3%,板上清液层高度平均降低了12.1%,操作弹性平均提高了15.3%,分流器的设置提高了塔板液泛上限和液相处理能力。 
关键词:  降液管  分流式  冷模实验  流体力学性能 
分类号:TQ 053.530
Study on the hydrodynamic performance of the sieve tray with shunt type downcomer
Dong Yongping1, Liu Yan2, Wang Ling2, Yan Huan3, Chu Yazhi1
1. College of Chemical Engineering, Northwest University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, China;2. Xi’an Chemdoctor Petrochemical Engineering Co., Ltd., Xi’an, Shaanxi, China;3. Tianyuan Group, Yibin, Sichuan, China
In this paper, the sieve tray with shunt type downcomer was studied and then the cold model experiment was conducted in air-water system. Hydrodynamic performance of the sieve tray with shunt type downcomer was systematically studied. Under the same operating conditions, compared by the sieve trays with no shunt type downcomer, the total pressure drop of tray is reduced on average by 14.3%, the clear liquid height of tray is reduced on average by 12.1%, the operating flexibility of tray is increased on average by 15.3%, and then the high limit of liquid flooding and the processing capacity of tray was improved effectively.
Key words:  downcomer  shunt type  cold model experiment  hydrodynamic performance