引用本文:刘海彬,祝秀,戴伯超. New-vst Plus塔板在MAL脱水塔技术改造中的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(5): 51-54.
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New-vst Plus塔板在MAL脱水塔技术改造中的应用
New-vst Plus塔板成功应用在甲基丙烯酸甲酯(MMA)行业的甲基丙烯醛(MAL)脱水塔技术改造中,在塔体利旧的情况下,仅以New-vst Plus塔板替换原填料,便成功解决了该塔长期存在的堵塔问题。改造后,各项指标运行正常,塔底水质量分数小于0.02%,全塔阻力降维持在10 kPa以内。该技术改造不仅为厂家带来了经济效益,还为其他处理易聚物系的塔内件改造开辟了新途径,具有广阔的应用前景。 
关键词:  New-vst Plus塔板  MAL脱水塔  技术改造  应用前景 
Application of New-vst Plus trays in technical transformation of MAL dewatering column
Liu Haibin, Zhu Xiu, Dai Bochao
Tianjin Chuangju Science & Technology Co., Ltd., Tianjin, China
New-vst Plus trays have been successfully used in the technical transformation of MAL dewatering column in the MMA industry. In the case of the original column shell, only using New-vst Plus trays to replace the original packing, the long-standing problem of blocking in the column has been successfully solved. After transformation, the operating indicators are normal, the water content of the column bottom is less than 0.02 wt%, the whole column pressure drop is maintained within 10 kPa. The technical transformation not only brings economic benefits for manufacturers, but also provides a new way to other process of internal transformation in easy polymerizing system. It has a broad application prospect.
Key words:  New-vst Plus trays  MAL dewatering column  technical transformation  application prospect