引用本文:许园,唐永帆,冷雨潇,刘友权,李伟. 以全氟己基为基础的环保型双子氟表面活性剂研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(5): 55-58.
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针对全氟长链(≥C8)氟碳表面活性剂存在的生物降解性差的环保问题,以全氟己基为基础,设计合成了一种新型的短氟碳链双子氟表面活性剂,并利用表面张力方法考察了其室内性能。实验结果发现,该短氟碳链双子氟表面活性剂水溶性好,表面活性强,临界胶束浓度低至3.0×10-4~3.4×10-4 mol/L,γcmc=16.0 mN/m;抗盐性能优异,在高矿化度条件下,仍具有较高的表面活性;抗温性能好,化学稳定性强,能够适应高温、强酸强碱复杂环境;并且短氟碳链的氟表面活性剂对环境的伤害小,能够作为全氟长链氟表面活性剂的替代品,具有良好的应用前景。
关键词:  全氟己基  短氟碳链  双子  高表面活性  环保 
Research on the perfluorinated hexyl-based gemini fluorine environment friendly surfactant
Xu Yuan1,2, Tang Yongfan1,2, Leng Yuxiao1,2, Liu Youquan1,2, Li Wei1,2
1. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Sichuan Province Key Laboratory of Shale Gas Evaluation and Exploitation, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
In order to solve the environmental problem of poor biodegradability of fluorocarbon surfactant with perfluorinated long chain (≥C8), a new type of short fluorocarbon gemini-fluoro surfactant was designed and synthesized in this paper on the basis of perfluoro hexyl, and its internal performance was studied by surface tension method. The results showed that the short fluorocarbon gemini-fluoro surfactant has good water solubility, strong surface activity, and the critical micelle concentration is as low as 3.0 × 10-4-3.4×10-4 mol/L and γcmc = 16.0 mN/m; it also has excellent salt resistance, and has high surface activity under high salinity condition; it has good temperature resistance and chemical stability, and can adapt to high temperature, strong acid and alkali complex environment; and the short fluorocarbon chain fluorine surfactant has less damage to the environment, it can be used as a substitute of perfluorinated long chain fluorine surfactant, and has good application prospect.
Key words:  perfluorinated hexyl  short-fluorocarbon  gemini  high surface activity  environment friendly