引用本文:武建明,石彦,王洪忠,唐晓川,褚艳杰,柯岩. 氮气辅助降黏技术在吉7井区的研究与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(6): 79-81.
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针对昌吉油田吉7井区油藏南部部分油井投产后出现供液能力差、产量递减快、不能持续性生产的现状,开展了氮气辅助化学剂降黏技术的研究与应用。结合吉7井区油藏属性,对降黏剂的适应性进行了评价。实验结果表明,在吉7井区储层温度、矿化度条件下,该降黏剂对稠油具有较好的降黏效果(质量分数1.5%,降黏率75%~85%)。现场应用结果表明:该工艺的应用能够解决油井供液困难、不能连续生产的问题;共实施8井次,累计增油1 011.2 t;与未注氮气的油井相比,使用氮气辅助工艺能够起到较为明显的助排作用和控制油井含水上升的作用。 
关键词:  稠油油藏  降黏  氮气辅助 
Research and application of nitrogen assisting viscosity reduction technology in Ji-7 wellblock
Wu Jianming, Shi Yan, Wang Hongzhong, Tang Xiaochuan, Chu Yanjie, Ke Yan
Zhundong Oil Production Plant, PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Fukang, Xinjiang, China
Ji-7 wellblock in Changji oilfield is a deep and large heavy oil reservoir. Aiming at the situation of poor liquid supply, fast production decline and discontinuous production coming from part of the oil wells in southern, the research and application of nitrogen-assisted chemical viscosity reduction technology are carried out. Combined with the reservoir property of Ji-7 wellblock, the adaptability of viscosity reducer was evaluated. The experiment results show that the viscosity agent has good effect of viscosity reduction (quality percentage 1.5%, viscosity reduction rate from 75% to 85%) in the condition of reservoir temperature and salinity in Ji-7 wellblock. The field tests show that the application of this technology can solve the problems mentioned above. This technology has applied for eight wells, and increased total 1011.2 tons of oil .Nitrogen assisted technology can play an obvious role in assisting drainage and controlling the water cut rising of oil wells.
Key words:  heavy oil reservoir  viscosity reduction  nitrogen-assisted