引用本文:卢国敏,赵英杰,张玉燕. 城镇燃气门站天然气梯级除尘除油装置的净化性能[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(6): 97-101.
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为了评价天然气梯级除尘除油净化装置的净化性能,通过对上海管网天然气某门站天然气梯级除尘除油净化装置进行净化性能分析试验研究,阐述了其结构和性能特点,并通过现场运行数据分析与颗粒流动演示,研究了除油除尘效果、运行压差、油水粉尘杂质捕集量。研究表明,系列梯级除尘除油净化预处理装置初始压降0~1 kPa,运行30天后,压差仅为5~6 kPa,30天内密度梯度过滤单元纳污量达615.3 kg,单位滤料的杂质捕集量为24.1 kg,适合于高气量压力波动、高油水粉尘含量等复杂天然气输配工况。 
关键词:  天然气管网  除尘除油  净化装置  旋风分离  梯度过滤  排污放散 
Purification performance of natural gas multistep dedusting and deoiling plant in city gas gate station
Lu Guomin1, Zhao Yingjie2, Zhang Yuyan1
1. Shanghai Natural Gas Pipeline Network Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China ;2. Shanghai Research Institute of Chemical Industry Co., Ltd., Shanghai, China
In order to evaluate the purification performance of multistep dedusting and deoiling purification unit, the configuration and performance were described by analyzing the operation of the purification unit in a single gate station at Shanghai Natural Gas Pipe Network. In the process, the flow state of particles and airflow in the system were simulated. Besides, the dedusting and deoiling effects, operating differential pressure, and trapping contents of impurities (oil, water and dust) were studied. The results showed that gradient multistep dedusting and deoiling purification plant had an initial differential pressure of 0~1 kPa. After running for 30 days, the pressure drop was only 5~6 kPa while the weight of the pollutants captured by the density gradient filter layer was up to 615.3 kg and the weight of the impurities trapped by the filter unit could attain 24.1 kg. The purification unit is suitable for complex working conditions of natural gas transmission and distribution such as high gas pressure fluctuations and high oil and water dust contents.
Key words:  natural gas network  dedusting and deoiling  purification plant  cyclone separator  gradient filter  sewage discharge