引用本文:冯博,马云龙,王家远. 基于FLUENT的LPG球罐泄漏扩散规律探究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(6): 102-105, 110.
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针对液化石油气球罐泄漏扩散问题,基于计算流体动力学软件FLUENT,参照某型号球罐,建立球罐的三维模型。模拟得到LPG的泄漏扩散分布规律,并根据LPG的1.5%(φ)~9.5%(φ)爆炸极限确定LPG泄漏后的危险区域。模拟结果得出LPG泄漏扩散的规律并以此预测LPG泄漏扩散危险区域。为此类事故的预防、控制以及人员应急逃生等提供了参考。 
关键词:  球罐  FLUENT  天然气泄漏  扩散规律  数值模拟 
Study on leakage and diffusion of LPG spherical tank based on FLUENT
Feng Bo1,2, Ma Yunlong1,2, Wang Jiayuan1,2
1. College of Mining and Safety Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, Shandong, China;2. Key Lab of Mine Disaster Prevention and Control, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Qingdao, Shandong, China
In order to study the leakage and diffusion of LPG spherical tank, a three-dimensional model of spherical tank by taking a spherical tank as reference, was established based on a computational fluid dynamics software FLUENT. The danger zone after the leakage of natural gas was determined according to LPG explosion limit of 1.5%-9.5%. Simulation results showed that the leakage and diffusion laws of LPG and further the danger zone of the leakage and diffusion of LPG could be predicted based on these factors. This paper provided a reference for the prevention, control and emergency escape of similar accidents.
Key words:  spherical tank  FLUENT  LPG leakage  diffusion law  numerical simulation