引用本文:赵运涛,王毅,曹强强,郭琦,范峥,刘安,等. 延长气田含甲醇污水再生系统模拟及优化改造[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2017, 46(6): 106-110.
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1.陕西延长石油天然气有限责任公司;2.西安石油大学化学化工学院 ;3.西北大学化工学院
延长气田含甲醇污水处理装置自投用以来,始终存在设备易结垢、易腐蚀,运行不稳定,产品质量不合格,尤其是甲醇产品指标无法满足设计要求等诸多问题。分别选择NRTL方程作为理想的热力学模型和Aspen plus软件全流程模拟甲醇再生系统,为后续优化改进提供了可靠的基础模型。进而提出了甲醇再生工艺优化方案,包括:增添空冷器及提升泵、改变塔板形式、增加塔板高度等,同时对优化后甲醇再生工艺进行流程模拟。结果 表明甲醇产品和回注水模拟值均达到设计要求。利用该优化方案改造后的甲醇再生新装置已成功试车,装置运行安全稳定,甲醇产品质量分数为96.10%、回注水甲醇质量分数为0.19%,满足工业生产指标。 
关键词:  含甲醇污水  甲醇再生系统  流程模拟  优化改造 
Simulation and optimizing reformation of methanol-containing waste water regeneration system in Yanchang gas field
Zhao Yuntao1, Wang Yi1, Cao Qiangqiang1, Guo Qi1, Fan Zheng2, Liu An3, Li Wenhong3
1. Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group), Yan'an, Shaanxi, China;2. School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Xi'an Shiyou University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China;3. School of Chemical Engineering of Northwest University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China
There were several problems after the application of methanol-containing waste water regeneration system in Yanchang gas field, including significant fouling or corrosion, unstable operation, unqualified product, especially the failing of methanol product to meet the design requirements. Both NRTL equation as rational thermodynamic model and Aspen plus software were used to simulate the whole methanol regeneration process, which proved that this software could successfully simulate and optimize methanol regeneration system. An optimizing process simulation of methanol regeneration system was established by adding the cooler and pump, changing plate form, increasing the plate height. Results showed that the concentration of methanol and reinjection water both met the design requirements. Industrial methanol regeneration unit after renovation based on optimizations ran safely and smoothly, with the concentration of methanol and reinjection water were 96.10% and 0.19%, respectively. Both parameters were close to optimized results, indicating that the optimization simulation project was feasible and accurate.
Key words:  methanol-containing waste water  methanol regeneration system  process simulation  optimizing reformation