引用本文:许园,蒋泽银,李伟,陈楠,苏福燕,龙顺敏. 水平井对泡排携液效果的影响研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(1): 65-68.
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针对越来越多的水平井需要开展泡沫排水采气、水平井造斜段对泡沫携液效果的影响等问题,开展了水平井造斜段不同斜度对泡排携液效果影响的模拟评价研究。对90°、60°、45°、30°等不同斜度泡沫携液量评价管在相同垂高、相同管长和不同起泡剂用量下的泡沫携液量进行了评价和分析。实验结果表明,斜度角在55°以下时,斜度对泡沫携液有较大的影响;55°以上时,斜度对泡沫携液量的影响较小,管长对泡沫携液量影响较小;在水平井中使用泡沫稳定性较好的起泡剂、适当增大起泡剂的用量,可克服造斜段对泡排效果的影响。 
关键词:  水平井  泡沫携液  斜度
Influence research of horizontal well on foam-dewatering effect
Xu Yuan, Jiang Zeyin, Li Wei, Chen Nan, Su Fuyan, Long Shunmin
Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Aiming at actual issues such as the increased horizontal wells needing to carry out foam drainage gas recovery, the unknown effect of horizontal well whipstocking section on foam carrier, the simulated evaluation study on the effect of foam carrier by different slopes of the horizontal well whipstocking section was carried out in this paper. The foam carrier amount under same vertical height, same pipe length and different amount of foaming agent at different slopes as 90°, 60°, 45° and 30° were evaluated and analyzed . The experimental results show that when the slope angle is less than 55°, it has bigger effect on foam carrier; when the slope angle is over 55°, it has smaller effect on foam carrier. The pipe length has a smaller effect on the foam carrier. By using foaming agent with better stability and increasing the dosage of it in the horizontal well, the impact of whipstocking section on the foam scrubbing effect could be overcome.
Key words:  horizontal well  foam-dewatering  slope