引用本文:黄刚华,郑凯,黄丽华. 净化厂回用水对循环水影响及控制措施研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(1): 100-104.
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1.中国石油西南油气田公司天然气研究院 ;2.国家能源高含硫气藏开采研发中心 ;3.中国石油天然气集团公司高含硫气藏开采先导试验基地
为了提高水资源利用率,川渝某净化厂将电渗析水、蒸发结晶水投加至循环水系统,但现场腐蚀挂片显示腐蚀速率为0.15 mm/a,超过GB 50050-2007要求。水质分析表明,电渗析水和蒸发结晶水中的Ca2+、Mg2+含量较低,如补充水量较大,会导致浓缩倍数较低,增加水质的稳定指数,提高水体的腐蚀性。室内考察了净化厂回用水对循环冷却水系统的影响,并以有机磷酸盐复配了相适应的水处理药剂b,在ρ(Ca2+)+碱度为200~600 mg/L的水质范围内,缓蚀率和阻垢率均高达90%,保障了净化厂稳定运行。 
关键词:  循环冷却水  低硬度  阻垢  腐蚀
Impacts of reusing treated blowdown water on circulating water and corresponding control measures
Huang Ganghua1,2,3, Zheng Kai1, Huang Lihua1,2,3
1. Natural Gas Research Institute of PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;  ;2. National Energy R & D Center of High Sulfur Gas Exploitation, Chengdu, Sichuan, China; ;3. High Sulfur Gas Exploitation Pilot Test Center, CNPC, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
In order to improve the water utilization efficiency, a natural gas purification plant used the treated water from electrodialysis(ED) and multiple-effect evaporation(MEV) processes as make-up water in the recirculating system. However, the field coupon tests showed the corrosion rate reached 0.15 mm/a,beyond the requirements set by GB 50050-2007. The water quality analysis indicated that Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentration in the treated water from ED and MEV was comparatively low. When the volume of make-up water was significant, it would lead to low Cycles of Concentration(CoC), increase of water stability index and corrosivity. Bench-scale tests investigated the impacts of reusing treated blowdown water on circulating cooling water and subsequently, organophosphate complex was prepared to formulate the water treatment chemical b to inhibit the corrosion. The tests showed that when the sum of Ca2+ concentration and the total alkalinity was in the range of 200-600 mg/L, both corrosion inhibition rate and scale inhibition rate could be higher than 90%, which guaranteed the steady operation of the natural gas purification plant.
Key words:  circulating cooling water  lower hardness  scale inhibition  corrosion