引用本文:胡珺,张伟,王红涛,张英. 连续重整装置能耗分析与节能改造措施[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(1): 105-109.
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催化重整工艺是炼油化工重要的加工过程,除了生产高辛烷值汽油和芳烃外,还副产大量氢气。连续重整的加工流程特点及反应特征决定了其加工能耗较大。通过对中国石化某炼厂连续重整装置用能情况进行分析发现,装置的能耗主要是燃料气,占总能耗的比例最大,为69.61%,其次是蒸汽和电力的消耗,分别占总能耗的20.76%和7.34%。对装置能耗现状进行了分析,结合现有工艺现状及存在问题,对原料预处理单元和产品分馏单元分别提出了节能改造方案:原料预处理单元预加氢反应产物和预加氢混氢油原料增加一级换热,产品分馏单元自稳定塔来的重整汽油首先与重整油分馏塔塔顶油气换热,再与塔底出料换热,从而降低了加热炉燃料气用量和塔顶空冷电耗。改造后,总能耗降低了1.76 kgEO/t(1 kgEO/t=41.86 kJ/kg)。 
关键词:  连续重整  能耗  工艺  改造  优化
Energy consumption analysis and energy saving measures of continuous catalytic reforming unit
Hu Jun, Zhang Wei, Wang Hongtao, Zhang Ying
Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals, SINOPEC, Fushun, Liaoning, China
Catalytic reforming process is an important step in refining and chemical industry, which generates a large number of by-product hydrogen gas besides high-octane gasoline and aromatics. Continuous catalytic reforming process is always related with large energy consumption because of its processing and reaction characteristics. During a case study in a refinery of Sinopec, it was found that the energy consumption of the catalytic reforming process was mainly from fuel gas, which accounted for 69.61% of the total energy consumption and ranked as the largest proportion. Subsequently, steam and electricity consumption accounted for 20.76% and 7.34% of the total energy consumption, respectively. Then based on the analysis of the energy consumption status, as well as the existing technology and problems, the energy-saving reforming programs for the feed pretreatment unit and product fractionation unit were proposed respectively. As for the feed pretreatment unit, one more stage of heat transfer was added between the pre-hydrogenation reaction product and the pre-hydrogenated hydrogenated oil. With regard to the product fractionating unit,the reforming gasoline from the stabilizing tower was first adjusted to exchange heat with the oil and gas of product fractionating tower overhead and then with the bottom materials. Therefore, the amount of fuel gas and the air cooling power consumption were reduced. The results showed the total energy consumption decreased 1.76 kgEO/t (1 kgEO/t=41.86 kJ/kg)after the application of the above reforming measures.
Key words:  continuous catalytic reforming  energy consumption  process  reform  optimization