引用本文:范勇,荣蕾,李胜利,李麟,孙德静,田涛. 压缩机厂房可燃气体泄漏扩散的数值模拟[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(1): 115-120.
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1.中国石油管道局工程有限公司设计分公司 ;2.中石油北京天然气管道有限公司华北储气库分公司
为了对长输管道压缩机厂房内可燃气体泄漏进行定量分析,使用CFX软件,对长输管道压气站压缩机厂房内的可燃气体泄漏进行了数值模拟计算。计算中介质为中亚天然气和常温常压下的空气,采用标准的κ-ε双方程湍流模型,对压缩机厂房内潜在泄漏点发生泄漏时进行计算。研究结果表明,可燃气体在厂房顶部呈“倒7”型分布,除泄漏点周围外,可燃气体含量最大的区域贴近屋顶处,该研究为压缩机厂房内可燃气体探测器的布置提供了量化的参考。计算结果得到了厂房内可能存在的可燃气体聚集点,并针对性地增设了通风口,消除了可燃气体聚集情况。 
关键词:  压缩机厂房  CFD模拟计算  可燃气体  长输管道  通风
Numerical simulation of combustible gas leakage and diffusion in compressor workshop
Fan Yong1, Rong Lei2, Li Shengli1, Li Lin1, Sun Dejing1, Tian Tao1
1. China Petroleum Pipeline Bureau Engineering Co., Ltd., Langfang, Hebei, China ;2. PetroChina Beijing Gas Pipeline Co., Ltd. Huabei Branch Company, Langfang, Hebei, China
In this paper, CFX software was used to simulate and quantitatively analyze the leakage of combustible gas in the compressor workshop of long distance pipeline. During the calculation, the medium was set as Central Asian gas and air at normal temperature and atmospheric pressure. The standard κ-ε turbulence model was adopted to calculate the leakage of combustible gas at leakage point. The results showed that the combustible gas was “inverted 7” type distribution on the top of the workshop. The area of the combustible gas with maximum concentration was located near roof when the leak point zone was excluded. This study provided a quantitative reference for combustible gas detector arrangement in the compressor workshop. Besides, the simulation demonstrated the possible accumulation points of combustible gas in the plant, and suggested the installation of ventilation point to eliminate the risks.
Key words:  compressor workshop  CFD simulation  combustible gas  long distance pipeline  ventilation port