引用本文:古兴磊,何刚. 高含硫天然气净化厂中控室暖通系统技术优化与应用评价[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(1): 110-114.
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普光气田天然气净化厂空气中含有一定量的H2S和SO2,空调设备腐蚀严重,且现有暖通系统存在一定缺陷。为提高中控室暖通系统运行效果,满足人员和设备对温度和湿度的需求,拟对原暖通系统进行技术优化。中控室内部的设备类和人员类房间分别设置独立的风道系统,实现供冷“人机分离”;更换6台恒温恒湿机组和3套多联空调机组,选用高效化学新风净化机组,增设3套消防排烟系统,以满足中控室内部工作人员和设备对安全运行的需求。 
关键词:  恒温恒湿空调系统  多联机空调系统  消防排烟系统  人机分离
Technology optimization and application evaluation of HVAC system in high sour natural gas purification plant
Gu Xinglei, He Gang
Sinopec Dazhou Natural Gas Purification Co., Ltd, Natural Gas Purification Plant, Dazhou, Sichuan, China
Since air in natural gas purification plant of Puguang gas field contains a certain amount of H2S and SO2, corrosion of air conditioning equipment is serious. Besides, there are some defects in existing HVAC system. In order to improve the running effect of HVAC system and meet the needs of personnel and equipment to temperature and humidity, the technology optimization of the HVAC system was conducted. In details, separate air duct system was installed in the equipment room and staff room of the central control chamber respectively to realize the cooling by "man-machine separation"; six constant temperature and humidity units and more than three sets of air conditioning unit were replaced, as well as the adoption of efficient chemical air purification unit and the addition of three sets of fire smoke exhaust system, so as to satisfy the demand of the internal staff and equipment for safe operation.
Key words:  constant temperature and humidity air-conditioning system  VRF air conditioning system  fire smoke exhaust system  man-machine separation