引用本文:吴伟,袁长忠,张守献,潘永强,徐鹏,徐闯. 热采井硫化氢脱除剂的筛选及应用研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(2): 1-5.
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1.中国石化胜利油田分公司油气开发管理中心 ;2.中国石化胜利油田分公司石油工程技术研究院
目前,稠油热采井硫化氢主要采用联合站末端集中处理的方式,无法保障油井的安全作业及生产和集输系统沿程操作人员的生命安全。以热稳定性、与地层水的配伍性和腐蚀性等性能为主要评价指标,筛选出了专用于热采井的脱硫剂S3,并考察了该脱硫剂在不同温度下的脱硫速率。在GDGB1-02井和GD2-23X532井开展了现场应用,以气相和液相中硫化氢总量为依据,进行了脱硫剂加药量的设计,分别将采出液伴生气中硫化氢质量浓度由处理前的8 000 mg/m3和23 000 mg/m3降至30 mg/m3以下,达到油井安全生产的要求(低于30 mg/m3),为热采井硫化氢的治理提供了一定的参考。
关键词:  稠油热采  硫化氢  脱硫剂  热稳定性  配伍性
Screening and application research of desulfurizers used in thermal recovery wells
Wu Wei1, Yuan Changzhong2, Zhang Shouxian2, Pan Yongqiang2, Xu Peng2, Xu Chuang2
1. Management Center of Oil and Gas Development Shengli Oilfield Co., Ltd., Sinopec, Dongying, Shandong, China;2. Petroleum Engineering Technology Research Institute of Shengli Oilfield Branch Company, Sinopec, Dongying, Shandong, China
At the moment, hydrogen sulfide in heavy oil thermal recovery wells was mainly treated in terminal station, which was a serious threat to the operation safety and life safety of the operator along the production and gathering system. In order to solve this problem, desulfurizer S3 suitable for thermal recovery wells was screened out according to the thermal stability, compatibility with formation water and corrosive performance, and its desulphurization rate was tested at different temperature. Field tests were carried out in GDGB1-02 well and GD2-23X532 well. Dosage of desulfurization agent was designed based on the amount of hydrogen sulfide in gas phase and liquid phase; liquid hydrogen sulfide mass concentration in associated gas fell from 8 000 mg/m3 and 23 000 mg/m3 respectively to below 30 mg/m3, and reached the well production safety requirements (less than 30 mg/m3), which provided some reference for the management of hydrogen sulfide in thermal recovery wells.
Key words:  thermal recovery of heavy oil  hydrogen sulfide  desulfurizer  thermal stability  compatibility