引用本文:杨烨,王海成,郑玉宝,余霆,朱争,谌军. 大型LNG工厂开工复产方案优化及问题处理[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(2): 57-64.
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1.中国石化江汉油田分公司江汉采油厂湖北新捷LNG项目部;2.青海油田采油四厂基建管理部 ;3.中国石油青海油田勘探开发研究院;4.中国石油北京油气调控中心 ;5.青海油田公司井下作业公司压裂技术服务大队;6.青海油田公司采油一厂物资管理部
为了探究大型LNG工厂开工复产方案合理性与存在问题,以湖北500×104 m3/d LNG工厂国产化示范工程开工复产情况为例,收集整理2015~2017年该厂从开工准备到开机复产完成全过程的问题并做描述性分析。结合AHP法做数学建模研究,结果表明,运用AHP法可将模糊定性的现场问题汇总量化为科学权重,有效解决因数据不足,量化标准不一而造成的分析瓶颈,梳理开工复产方案,降低了复产工作风险。该工程工艺流程复杂,开工复产工作量大,连贯性强,需合理制定工作计划并严格执行,不能为赶工而省略检查准备工作;同时,需加强开工复产准备纲要的培训与演练,确保突发情况的应急处置。开工复产问题与设备设施使用年限成正比,开工复产方案的制定应根据当前工厂情况,在上次停产检修问题指引下,吸取历次开工复产教训,参照正常生产操控经验,进行年度更新式的制定。
关键词:  开工复产  方案优化  AHP法  时间节点
Program optimization and problems handling of start and resumption production of large-scale LNG plant
Yang Ye1, Wang Haicheng2, Zheng Yubao3, Yu Ting4, Zhu Zheng5, Chen Jun6
1. Hubei Xinjie LNG Project of Jianghan Oil Production Factory, Sinopec Jianghan, Oilfield Branch Company, Huanggang, Hubei, China;2. Construction Management Department of Qinghai Oilfield Fourth Oil Production Plant, Haixi, Qinghai, China;3. Qinghai Oilfield Research Institute of Exploration & Development, Dunhuang, Gansu,China;4. PetroChina Oil & Gas Pipeline Control Center,Beijing, China;5. Qinghai Oilfield Company Well Operation Company Fracturing Technology Service Team, Haixi, Qinghai, China;6. Qinghai Oilfield Company Material Management Department of Oil Production Plant, Haixi, Qinghai, China
In order to study the program reasonableness and problems of start and resumption production of large-scale LNG plant. In the case of start and resumption production of the demonstration project of 5 million m3/d LNG plant in Hubei province, problems of whole process from start preparation to resumption production of the plant from 2015 to 2017 are collected and collated. A descriptive analysis and mathematical model of AHP is done. Research shows that the fuzzy qualitative field problems can be summarized and quantified to scientific weight by the AHP method. The analysis bottlenecks due to the insufficient data and non-uniform quantitative standard can be solved effectively. The program of start and resumption production is done and the risk of resumption production is reduced obviously. The engineering process is complex, and the resumption work is heavy and the consistency is strong. The reasonable work plan must be made and be strictly implemented instead of omitting the inspection and preparation links for finishing the work; meanwhile, the training and rehearsal for the preparation of the production resumption should be strengthened to ensure emergency treatment. Problems of start and resumption production are proportional to useful life of the equipment and facilities. Program of start and resumption production should refer to the normal production control experiences and be set and updated annually on the current situations and the guidance of the last time shutdown maintenance problems, lessons from all previous start and resumption production.
Key words:  start and resumption production  program optimization  AHP method  time node