引用本文:程明明,雷光伦,耿孝恒,张再旺,李学平,李甲亮,等. 空气辅助微生物改变地层岩石与流体性质的能力研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(2): 65-70.
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1.滨州学院资源与环境工程学院;2.中国石油大学(华东) 石油工程学院
为了提高微生物采油的应用效果,研究了空气辅助对微生物改变地层岩石与流体性质作用机理。通过实验研究空气辅助微生物改变岩石表面润湿性、油水界面张力及微生物降解原油机理,以岩石润湿性和油水界面张力改变为基础,探讨了空气中氧对微生物改变岩石表面和黏附功的影响。实验结果表明,空气中氧可提高微生物菌液改变石英表面润湿角速度,溶氧4.5~5.5 mg/L菌液中润湿角降低50.14%~56.94%。4.5 mg/L溶氧条件下,菌液作用后原油界面张力下降80%。与含溶氧5.5 mg/L培养的微生物作用后,油质组分增加8.414%,蜡质组分降低7.728%,胶质组分降低5.538%。实验表明,空气辅助可增强微生物改变地层岩石与流体性质的能力,进一步提高原油采收率。
关键词:  空气辅助  润湿性  采收率  黏附功  原油降解
基金项目:山东省自然科学基金“脉冲电场作用下水滴动态响应特性研究”(2016ZRB01A57); 山东省自然科学基金“多孔介质微生物与空气交替驱的渗流机理研究”(ZR2017PEE003); 滨州学院种子基金“定向调控微生物采油关键技术研究”(16CX02010A); 滨州学院博士启动基金“微生物与空气交替驱提高采收率机理研究”(2016Y31)
Research on the influence of air assisted microbial action on the properties of porous rock and formation fluid
Cheng Mingming1, Lei Guanglun2, Geng Xiaoheng1, Zhang Zaiwang1, Li Xueping1, Li Jialiang1, Zhong Haojian1
1. Binzhou University, Binzhou, Shandong, China ;2. China University of Petroleum (East China), Qingdao, Shandong, China
For the purpose of improving the application effect of MEOR, the influence of air assisted microbial action on the properties of porous rock and formation fluid was studied. The wettability, oil-water interfacial tension and oil degradation by microorganism were measured through experiment. Based on the changes of rock wettability and oil-water interfacial tension, the influence of the oxygen in the air on the microbial action to the rock surface and work of adhesion was discussed. The experiments results showed that oxygen can improve the rate of microbial changing wetting angle of quartz surface. The wetting angle reduced by about 50.14%-56.94% at dissolved oxygen concentration of 4.5-5.5 mg/L. The oil-water interfacial tension reduced about 80% at dissolved oxygen concentration of 4.5 mg/L. In addition, at dissolved oxygen concentration of 5.5 mg/L, the light components of oil increased about 8.414%, the wax components reduced 7.728%, and gelatine components reduced 5.538%. These experiments revealed that air assist could enhance the ability of microbial changing the properties of porous rock and formation fluid to further improve oil recovery.
Key words:  air assisted  wettability  recovery efficiency  work of adhesion  oil degradation