引用本文:郭茂雷,黄春霞,董小刚,周晔,汤瑞佳. 延长油田致密砂岩油藏CO2驱油机理研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(2): 75-79, 88.
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1.陕西延长石油(集团)有限责任公司研究院;2.陕西省二氧化碳封存与提高采收率重点实验室 ;3.延长油田股份有限公司靖边采油厂
CO2驱是提高低渗透油田产量、缓解温室效应的有效途径。针对鄂尔多斯盆地油藏压力系数低、原油轻质组分含量高的特点,通过 PVT和最小混相压力等测试分析方法,揭示了低压、低孔、低渗油藏CO2 驱提高采收率主要机理。开展了CO2注入储层与无机、有机物作用后的沉淀研究,表明CO2在无机盐溶液中不会形成沉淀堵塞孔隙,CO2与有机质作用后沉积点高于油藏压力,且注入压力越高,CO2在地层原油中的溶解能力越强,目标区块CO2注入后不易形成沥青质沉淀。物模驱替实验结果表明,均质岩心的采出程度明显高于非均质岩心,且随着岩心非均质性的增加,水驱采出程度、气驱采出程度及最终采出程度均明显下降。
关键词:  低渗透  CO2  驱油机理  储层伤害  采收率
基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目 “碳捕集、封存、利用的示范及新一代技术研发”(2016YFE0102500);陕西省青年科技新星项目“特低渗油藏CO2驱油抽提作用及组分变化研究”(2015KJXX-87)
CO2 EOR mechanism of tight sandstone reservoir in Yanchang oilfield
Guo Maolei1,2, Huang Chunxia1, Dong Xiaogang3, Zhou Ye1, Tang Ruijia1
1. Institute of Shaanxi Yanchang Petroleum (Group) Co., Ltd., Xi’an, Shaanxi, China;2. Shaanxi Key Laboratory of CO2 Sequestration and Enhanced Oil Recovery, Xi’an, Shaanxi,China;3. Jingbian Oil Production Plant, Yanchang Oilfield Co., Ltd., Yulin, Shaanxi, China
CO2 flooding is an effective way to increase production in low permeability oil field,and alleviate the greenhouse effect. Aiming at the features of low pressure coefficient and high content of light crude for Ordos Basin reservoir,and by using the analysis methods of PVT and minimum miscibility pressure, the main mechanism of improving recovery efficiency by CO2 flood in reservoirs with low-pressure, low porosity and low permeability was revealed. The precipitate research was carried out after CO2 injection organic and inorganic reservoirs. The result shows that CO2 in inorganic salt solution will not form precipitate to plug pores, sedimentary points are higher than the reservoir pressure after CO2 flooding into the organic matter,and the higher injecting pressure,the stronger solubility of CO2 in the formation crude oil, and the target block is difficult to form asphaltene precipitation after injecting CO2. The physical model displacement experiment shows that homogeneous cores recovery degree was significantly higher than that of heterogeneous cores, and the degree of water flooding,CO2 flooding and finally recovery all significantly declines with the heterogeneity increasing of core.
Key words:  low permeability  CO2 flooding  flooding mechanism  reservoir damage  recovery efficiency