引用本文:刘涛,赵凤敏,林军,章巴燕,曹嫣镔. 胜利油田辛68区块内源微生物驱油现场试验[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(2): 71-74.
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针对胜利油田辛68区块埋藏深、高温高盐,不适合化学驱和转热采提高采收率的开发矛盾,开展了内源微生物驱油技术研究。在对区块微生物群落结构分析的基础上,通过室内研究,获得了长链碳源类激活剂体系,能够激活不同种类功能菌达到108 个/mL以上,乳化原油粒径小于10 μm。物理模拟实验表明,提高驱替效率8.5%。现场激活吞吐试验后收到了明显效果,油藏中微生物被有效激活,产出液表面张力降低,乳化油滴增加,原油黏度降低,油井产油量由试验前的1.0 t/d提高到1.8 t/d,含水率降低14%,增油降水效果显著。
关键词:  微生物  激活剂  乳化  现场试验  提高采收率
Field test of indigenous microbial flooding in block Xin68 in Shengli oilfield
Liu Tao, Zhao Fengmin, Lin Junzhang, Ba Yan, Cao Yanbin
Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering, Shengli Oilfield Company, Sinopec, Dongying, Shandong, China
Aiming at the development problems of unsuitable for chemical flooding and thermal recovery enhanced oil recovery for Xin68 Block in Shengli oilfield with deep burial, high temperature and high salt, indigenous microbial flooding technology was developed. First the microbial community structure was analyzed. According to the key research, a long chain carbon source activation system was established. After activation of the bacteria concentration reaching 108 cells/mL, emulsified crude oil particle size was less than 10 μm. The oil displacement experiment shows that oil recovery can be increased by more than 8.5%. Field test has achieved remarkable results, the functional microorganisms were activated, output liquid surface tension was reduced, emulsified oil drops were increased, and viscosity of crude oil was reduced. The oil production per day from 1.0 tons before testing to 1.8 tons, water cut decreases by 14%, the production performances had been significantly improved. The results show that the oil recovery efficiency can be further improved by using endogenous microorganisms.
Key words:  microorganism  activator  emulsification  field test  enhanced oil recovery