引用本文:李颖,史建华. 特种油的双路全馏程在线分析方法研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(2): 94-98, 115.
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关键词:  特种油  分析仪  全馏程  在线
Research of on-line analysis method for special oil with double full distillation range
Li Ying, Shi Jianhua
College of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing Institute of Industry Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu,China
The realization of on-line full range analysis for special oil such as gasoline, kerosene and diesel is studied. The principle of analyzer is completely designed in accordance with the standard distillation experiment method. The two-core simultaneous analysis of the whole distillation range of two oil products and the atmospheric pressure compensation link is established. The sample oil is pretreated, dehydrated, mixed, cooled and measured in accordance with standard distillation method. A detailed sample distillation curve is obtained. The sample completed the analysis is processed by the recycling system and then returned to the process pipeline. The analysis data and the instrument fault alarm signal can be uploaded at any time to achieve remote monitoring. The operation items of analyzer are introduced. The technical characteristics of analyzer are summarized. Through experiments, the system gives the statistics and trend diagram of the initial boiling point and final boiling point of the sample oil, and the accuracy of the system is verified.
Key words:  special oil  analyzer  full distillation range  online