引用本文:范振业. 浅谈原油库油品计量方法及仪表选型[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(2): 99-103.
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目前,国内规范对原油库油品计量的准确度要求为0.2级,工业级流量计常用的两种类型为质量流量计和容积式流量计,这两种流量计的工作原理、优缺点各不相同。常用流量计的检定方法有大体积管和小体积管两种。罐区计量技术有体积测量法、静压测量法和混合测量法,混合测量法结合了前两者优点,是一种比较完善的计量技术。对阀门执行机构、液位仪表、温度仪表、可燃气体检测仪表等原油库主要仪表的工作原理进行了介绍,分析对比优缺点,并对如何选型进行了推荐;结合国标规范要求,提出对50 000 m3以上油罐初期火灾监测应采用光纤感温火灾探测器。
关键词:  油品计量  流量计检定  罐区仪表  光纤感温火灾探测器
Discussion on oil metering method and instrument selection in crude oil depot
Fan Zhenye
Sinopec Petroleum Engineering Corporation, Dongying, Shandong, China
At present, accuracy requirements of the domestic standard for crude oil storage measurement are 0.2, and the flow meter commonly used in industry is two types:mass flow meter and volume flow meter. The working principle, the advantages and disadvantages of the two flow meters are different; the commonly used flow meter calibration methods are large volume tube and small volume tube, each with its advantages and disadvantages. Tank area measurement techniques include volume measurement, static pressure measurement and mixed measurement, which combines the former two advantages and is relatively perfect. The measurement technology of the tank area is introduced, and the working principle of the main measuring instrument of the crude oil depot, such as valve actuator, liquid level meter and temperature meter gas detection instrument are introduced, and the advantages and disadvantages are analyzed and compared; how to select the type of main instrument for crude oil depot is recommended, and the optical fiber temperature sensing fire detector is used in the initial fire monitoring of oil tank above 50 000 m3 in accordance with the national standard specification.
Key words:  oil metering  calibration of flowmeter  tank instrument  optical fiber temperature sensing fire detector