引用本文:王磊,齐昌超,舒洁. 天然气站场埋地管道检测评价技术优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(2): 104-109.
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关键词:  埋地管道  腐蚀检测技术  内腐蚀  外腐蚀  站场
Optimization of detection and evaluation technology for buried pipeline in natural gas station
Wang Lei, Qi Changchao, Shu Jie
Safety, Environment & Technology Supervision Research Institute, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Natural gas station, known as an important part of the gas transmission pipeline system, is vital for safe and steady operation of the natural gas gathering pipeline system. However, corrosion would lead to the perforation and breakage of the pipeline, which thus seriously affects the normal production of the gas field, contaminates the environment, and threats the personnel security. Since the pipeline of the gas station always carried unfavorable medium and has been put in operation for a long time, the monitoring and testing of the buried pipeline was considered as technical difficulties. In order to identify the potential safety hazard and reduce the risks, it is needed to optimize the buried pipeline detection technology. In details, it is necessary to put forward the systematic detection procedure, adopt the targeted detection technology and determine the test site, as well as select the evaluation criteria of the defects, so as to control the risk level of the oil and gas station within the reasonable and acceptable range.
Key words:  buried pipeline  corrosion detection technology  internal corrosion  external corrosion  station yard