引用本文:吴连昆,高立东,邓俊宝,赵宏. 填料塔离子液体气相内脱水实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(3): 1-5.
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以1-丁基-3-甲基咪唑醋酸盐()离子液体为吸收剂,用空气和水蒸气的混合气模拟含水湿气,在θ金属网环填料塔中进行脱水实验。探究了离子液体流量、液体含水量、液体温度、空气流量以及进气含水量对脱水效果的影响,获得了最佳实验参数条件。实验结果表明,气体露点降随液体流量和进气含水量的增加而增大,随液体含水量、液体温度和空气流量的增加而减小。在液体流量9 L/h、气体流量1 m3/h、液体中水质量分数1%、湿气中水质量浓度18.26 g/m3、温度20 ℃的条件下,气体露点降在40 ℃以上,干气露点低于-20 ℃,取得了良好的脱水效果,在工业气体脱水、室内空气干燥等领域展现出良好的应用前景。
关键词:  填料塔  离子液体  脱水
Experimental study on dehydration of gas phase by ionic liquid in packed tower
Wu Liankun1, Gao Lidong2, Deng Junbao1, Zhao Hong1,2
1. Research Center of Ministry of Education for High Gravity Engineering and Technology, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing, China;2. Suzhou Research Institute of Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Suzhou, Jiangsu, China
In this paper, dehydration experiment of moist air simulated by air containing water with ionic liquid as absorbent was carried out in the packed tower, packed with dixon gauze ring packing. The influences of ionic liquid flow rate, lean ionic liquid water content, liquid temperature, air flow rate and inlet moisture mass concentration on the dehydration effect were investigated. The optimum experimental conditions were achieved. The experimental results showed that the water dew point depression increased with the increasing of liquid flow rate and inlet moisture mass concentration, and decreased with the increasing of liquid water content, liquid temperature and air flow rate. Under the optimal conditions:ionic liquid flow rate 9 L/h, air flow rate 1 m3/h, lean solution water mass fraction 1%, inlet moisture mass concentration 18.26 g/m3, temperature 20 ℃, air dew point depression can be up to 40 ℃, water dew point of dry gas could be below -20 ℃ or less. In the field of industrial gases dehydration, indoor air drying and other fields, it had shown good prospects for application.
Key words:  packed tower  ionic liquid  dehydration