引用本文:蔡烈奎,杨文中,张卉,马莉莉. 糠醛萃取-高压加氢组合工艺生产高芳橡胶增塑剂的研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(3): 6-11.
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以中海油SZ36-1减三馏分油为原料,在实验室采用两段糠醛萃取工艺和两段糠醛萃取+高压加氢精制组合工艺进行生产高芳烃橡胶增塑剂的研究。结果 表明,采用两段糠醛萃取+高压加氢组合工艺可以生产CA值高于25%的橡胶增塑剂产品;生产CA值为21%以上的橡胶增塑剂,其收率占减三馏分油的43%以上,各项性质满足国标GB/T 33322-2016《橡胶增塑剂 芳香基矿物油》A1820的指标要求。 
关键词:  糠醛萃取  高压加氢精制  橡胶增塑剂
基金项目:中海油总公司级科研项目“提高环保橡胶油CA值的技术开发及性能评价”(CNOOC-KJ 125 ZDXM 17 LX 11 QDZX 2011)
Study on producing high aromatic rubber plasticizer by furfural extraction and high pressure hydrofining
Cai Liekui1, Yang Wenzhong2, Zhang Hui1, Ma Lili1
1. CNOOC Research Institute of Refining and Petrochemicals, Qingdao, Shandong, China ;2. CNOOC Oil & Petrochemicals Co., Ltd., Beijing, China
In this paper, using CNOOC SZ36-1 vacuum cut three as raw material, the laboratory study of producing high aromatic rubber plasticizer by the two stage furfural extractions process and combined process of two stage furfural extractions and high pressure hydrofining was developed. The results showed that the combined process could produce the rubber plasticizer, whose CA value was more than 25%. The yield of rubber plasticizer whose CA value was over 21% accounted for over 43% of the vacuum third line distillate. The properties met the A1820 indexes of national standard GB/T 33322-2016 Rubber Plasticizer-aromatic Base Mineral Oil.
Key words:  furfural extraction  high pressure hydrofining  rubber plasticizer