引用本文:杨仁杰,陈小榆,蒋洪. 活化MDEA与混合胺适应性研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(3): 21-25, 30.
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拟采用活化MDEA与混合胺两种溶剂处理天然气中的酸性组分H2S和CO2,基于活化剂PZ和DEA与CO2反应的机理不同,针对高含碳不含硫和高含碳高含硫两种气质进行了研究。通过ASPEN HYSYS 9.0模拟软件,以典型活化MDEA(PZ+MDEA)与混合胺(DEA+MDEA)作为吸收剂,研究两者的脱硫脱碳效果。结果 表明:针对高含碳不含硫天然气,在达到相同的脱碳效果和相同的酸气负荷前提下,采用活化MDEA作为吸收剂体现出明显节能优势;针对高含碳高含硫天然气,在达到相同的脱碳效果和酸气负荷的前提下,采用混合胺作为吸收剂更节能。
关键词:  活化MDEA  混合胺  串级吸收  天然气  脱硫  脱碳  适应性
Study on the adaptability of activated MDEA and mixed amines
Yang Renjie, Chen Xiaoyu, Jiang Hong
College of Petroleum Engineering of Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
In this paper, two kinds of solvents, activated MDEA and mixed amine were used to treat the acidic components H2S and CO2 in natural gas. Based on the different reaction mechanism of PZ and DEA with CO2, two kinds of gas composition of high CO2 content without H2S and high CO2 and H2S content were studied. Through ASPEN HYSYS 9.0 simulation software, typical activated MDEA (PZ+MDEA) and mixed amine (DEA+MDEA) were used as absorbent to study the deacidification effect of both. The results showed that for the natural gas of high CO2 content and non-H2S, the activated MDEA as absorbent showed obvious energy saving advantages under the same decarburization effect and acid gas load. According to the natural gas of high CO2 and H2S content, using mixed amine as absorber could save more energy by the premise of achieving same decarburization effect and same acid gas load.
Key words:  activated MDEA  mixed amines  cascade absorption  natural gas  desulfurization  decarbonization  adaptability