引用本文:钟荣强,张玉娟. CH4/N2在活性炭上吸附性能的研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(3): 17-20.
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变压吸附是分离油田伴生气中N2和CH4的可行性方法,采用质量法测定了N2、CH4在活性炭WHXR-LB20上的吸附等温线,分离系数为2.87,满足工业应用要求且再生效果好;同时测定了油田伴生气中C2H6、C3H8,n-C4H10等对WHXR-LB20的影响,结果表明,C2H6、C3H8在WHXR-LB20上再生效果很好,而n-C4H10在WHXR-LB20上有积累,该积累量使N2和CH4在WHXR-LB20上的饱和吸附量降低。 
关键词:  变压吸附  活性炭  油田伴生气  CH4/N2  气体分离
Study on adsorption capacity of CH4/N2 on activated carbon
Zhong Rongqiang1, Zhang Yujuan2
1. Engineering Technology Institute of Sinopec Northwest Company, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China ;2. Chengdu Wuhuan Xinrui Chemical Engineering Co., Ltd., Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Pressure swing adsorption is the feasible method for nitrogen and methane separation in the oilfield associated gas. The adsorption isotherm of nitrogen and methane on the activated carbon WHXR-LB20 were determined by gravimetric method. The separation coefficient was 2.87, which could satisfy the demand in industrial application. The activated carbon had good regeneration effect to nitrogen and methane. The effects of ethane, propane and n-butane in the oilfield associated gas on WHXR-LB20 were determined. The results showed that the activated carbon has good regeneration effect to the ethane and propane. But the n-butane accumulated on the WHXR-LB20. The accumulation amount reduced the saturated adsorption capacity of nitrogen and methane on the activated carbon WHXR-LB20.
Key words:  pressure swing adsorption  activated carbon  oilfield associated gas  CH4/N2  gas separation