引用本文:石会龙,李成帅,刘博文,马巍巍. 异丁醇-乙醇-水三元体系精馏分离的模拟与优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(3): 44-48.
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利用化工流程模拟软件Aspen Plus中的RadFrac模块,以丙三醇为萃取剂,对异丁醇-乙醇-水三元体系的精馏分离过程进行了模拟与优化,考察了回流比、塔板数、进料位置及萃取剂加入位置和用量等因素对精馏过程的影响。模拟结果表明:当原料处理量为15 t/h、异丁醇质量分数为5%、乙醇质量分数为9%、水质量分数为86%时,采用萃取精馏可以使水中异丁醇质量分数低于20×10-6,乙醇质量分数低于10×10-6,且异丁醇产品质量分数≥98%,乙醇产品质量分数≥99%,从而实现异丁醇、乙醇的有效回收和有机废水的达标排放。模拟和优化结果为异丁醇-乙醇-水三元体系的工业分离过程和节能减排改造提供了可靠的依据和参考。 
关键词:  Aspen Plus  异丁醇  乙醇  萃取精馏  丙三醇
Simulation and optimization of distillation separation of isobutanol-ethanol-water three-element system
Shi Huilong, Li Chengshuai, Liu Bowen, Ma Weiwei
School of Chemical Engineering, Shengli College China University of Petroleum, Dongying, Shandong, China
By using chemical process simulation software Aspen Plus,the extractive distillation separation process for isobutanol-ethanol-water three-element system is simulated and optimized when glycerol is the extractant. The effects of reflux ratio, number of stage, feed position, location and amount of extractant on the process of distillation separation are investigated. The simulation results show that when the amount of raw material is 15 t/h,the content of isobutanol is 5 wt%,the content of ethanol is 9 wt%,and the water content is 86 wt%,the separation effect is satisfactory:isobutanol content in water is less than 20×10-6,ethanol is less than 10×10-6 and isobutanol product concentration is 98 wt%,and ethanol product concentration is 99 wt%. The effective recovery of isobutanol and ethanol and the standard discharge of organic wastewater are realized. The simulation and optimization results provide a reliable basis and reference for the industrial separation process of isobutanol-ethanol-water three element system and the transformation of energy saving and emission reduction.
Key words:  Aspen Plus  isobutanol  ethanol  extractive distillation  glycerol