引用本文:龚传波,单玉连,吴永红,刘沙,吴天柱. 炼油厂蒸馏装置节能降耗措施研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(4): 25-28.
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独山子石化炼油厂蒸馏装置运行换热终温约275 ℃,较设计值300 ℃低25 ℃,导致装置常压炉高负荷运行。当处理量提至1 010 t/h时,常压炉炉膛温度已接近工艺指标上限(900 ℃)。为了缓解常压炉长期高负荷运行,通过实施初馏塔出初侧线,可以将初馏塔内的部分重石脑油跨过常压炉,直接通过常一中回流线进入常压塔,降低常压炉负荷3.46%,同时提高装置加工量41 t/h,实现降低常压炉燃料气消耗2 937 t/a,提高了装置的运行效益。
关键词:  蒸馏装置  初馏塔  侧线  加工量  燃料气
Energy saving and reducing consumption measures of refinery distillation unit
Gong Chuanbo, Shan Yulian, Wu Yonghong, Liu Sha, Wu Tianzhu
PetroChina Dushanzi Petrochemical Company, Kelamayi, Xinjiang, China
The final operation temperature of heat exchanger of Dushanzi Petrochemical Refinery distillation unit was about 275 ℃, which was 25 ℃ lower than design value of 300 ℃. It resulted in high load operation of the atmospheric furnace. When the processing quantity was increased to 1 010 t/h, the furnace temperature was close to 900 ℃, Which was the upper limit of process index. In order to alleviate the long-term high load operation of atmospheric furnace, the side stream extraction pipeline was added on the initial distillation tower, which made it possible that part heavy naphtha entered atmospheric distillation tower via return pipe of the first medium without being heated in atmospheric heating furnace. The atmospheric furnace load was reduced by 3.46%, the processing capacity of the unit was improved by 41 t/h, and the fuel gas consumption of the furnace was reduced by 2 937 t/a, which improved the operation efficiency of the unit.
Key words:  distillation unit  primary distillation column  side line  processing volume  fuel gas