引用本文:谢华昆. 硫磺湿法成型过程中细粉硫生成率控制技术研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2018, 47(4): 18-24.
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普光天然气净化厂硫磺湿法成型机在生产过程中,成品硫磺颗粒中夹带了大量细粉硫。细粉硫粒径过小,在成型工艺循环水中富集后,将导致振动筛、水槽、冷却塔填料堵塞等问题,同时引起硫磺产品含水率升高。通过实验模拟液硫湿法成型过程,得出成型盘孔径和液硫入水高度是影响细粉硫生成率的关键因素,并提出在成型盘孔径为2.1 mm、液硫入水高度为2 cm时,细粉硫生成率最低,可为国内同类硫磺湿法成型装置降低细粉硫生成率提供参考。
关键词:  硫磺湿法成型机  硫磺  细粉硫  生成率
Study on controlling technology of the generation rate of fine powder sulfur in the process of sulfur wet molding
Xie Huakun
Zhongyuan Oilfield Puguang Natural Gas Purification Research Institute, Dazhou, Sichuan, China
During the production process of sulfur wet forming machine in Puguang Natural Gas Purification Plant, sulfur particle products would be finished together with a large amount of fine sulfur powder. Since the particle size of the fine sulfur powder was very small and easy to be enriched in the circulating water of the forming process, which would be due to the issues like plugging of vibrating screen, water tank, and cooling tower packing. In the meantime, water content of sulfur products would increase as well. The liquid sulfur wet forming process was simulated by experiment. The results showed that forming plates aperture and height of liquid sulfur into the water were key influencing factors of the generation rate of fine powder sulfur. When the forming plate aperture was 2.1 mm and the height of liquid sulfur into the water was 2 cm, the generation rate of fine powder sulfur was the lowest, which could provide reference for reducing the generation rate of fine powder sulfur in the process of the similar domestic sulfur wet molding unit.
Key words:  sulfur wet forming machine  sulfur  fine powder sulfur  generation rate